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When they make me enter the room I close my eyes for a moment as I hear multiple voices coming from it. I enter and they all go silent. My parents are here. Reg is here, alone, and, damn, even Peter showed up! What doesn't he get in " I don't want to see you again" God dammit. My mom and Peter are worried and my dad and Reg are disappointed in me. What a welcoming sight ! Let's get ready to Ramble !! My mom goes first of course.
- Victor what goes on in that brain of yours that made you fight that boy... Gosh I always knew he was no good. Atleast now you see the repercussions of how you turned out.
She cries on and on until my father guides her out of the room because I've been putting HER under so much suffering SHE couldn't take it. Fuck, now it's just me and the boys, this is bad.
For a moment nobody says anything. We all just stare at each other. Well I stare at them. Because to the both of them the ground started to get REALLY interesting. Peter gets closer to the hospital bed to put his hand on my shoulder.
- Victor, again, I want to apologize to you, I mean, we've both made our mistake an-
- Oh really ? What mistakes have I made ?
I can't believe he's blaming me, how dare he !
- Well you told the entire school we went out.
- I was getting back at you. It was fair.
- You've ruined my social life !
-Oh yeah ! Well what, you think after that my life is gonna be all sunshine and rainbows Peter ? No. Because I said who I was, but you're free to say I'm a liar, it's just that deep down you'll know that it's wrong !
- Go fuck yourself Vic !
As things escalated Reg pulled Peter out of the room and slammed the door behind him. He came back to my bed, sat down on the chair and looked me right in the eyes. We stayed in silence for a while. Until I analyzed his face a bit and noticed the tears in the corners of his eyes.
- Reg, you're okay ?
He couldn't imagine how good I felt to be able to talk to him. Even if we weren't in good terms I couldn't help but feel excited to have his attention.
- I should be asking you that. But seriously you shouldn't have done all of that.
- What part, the gay thing, the fight, Peter, get stabbed maybe ?
He let's out a small laugh and a single tear roll down his left cheek.
- All of it ! But seriously do you realize the impact this will have on our life ?
- Our life ?
I thought he was too busy with his girlfriend to be even near me and now we have a life together, not that I complain but this is going a little fast !
- Well you're my bestfriend Vic, and I always want you as a part of my life.
Ouch, the friendzone.
- But doesn't your girl hate me or something?
- Not gonna lie she does but also when you were giving your little speech she was all like " see I told you he was bad, he's a gay" and so I was very uncomfortable. I haven't told her anything yet but from how stubborn she is she probably won't change her mind and so I'll break up with her...
-...But really Vic, last time... Don't you think you overreacted a bit ? I mean you full freakout and ran about than avoided me for a week ! What happened ?
Trick question, I can't tell him the truth without admiting my feelings but now is VERY not the time for big declarations. But now i'm kinda done with lying.
-I-I can't really explain it now...its...complicated.
He looks away with a look I don't quite understand. What does it mean ? He tilts his head to the side and frowns a bit, like a confused dog. He stares intensly at me. Is he trying to guess my side of the story or ?
- I get it, you're in the hospital, right now isn't good timing. I'll leave you alone. Call me when you're out okay ?
-Sure. I will.
He leaves the room.
I get out of bed. Right now, except being a little dizzy, i feel allright. My stomach doesn't hurt too much but i think that's from the painkillers. I'd tell you what the wound looks like to make you puke but i have a huge bandage on it somright now the most awful thing about me is that fucking broken arm. I hate feeling that it's moving wrong so i don't move my arm too much but it makes it awkward to move around. Yet i can still go to the bathroom. I open the door and am met with the mirror that sits right over the sink. It is cracked in the down right corner. God i look like shit ! I know i'm pale but now i look vampiric, my hair is messed up, and i have eyebags down to the my knees. Maybe i do need a bit of rest from everything. I don't think i'll be here for a long time but still, when i get home there is no way i'm going back to school the next day. Now that i think about it, i wonder what happened to Henry. Did he get arrested ? I have no idea how that works but i don't want to press charges against him so i think he'll be fine. And you might think that i'm such a generous soul but truth be told i know that if Henry goes to jail he'll come back in 27 years to kill me in an hotel room. Oddly precise don't you think ? Whatever. I get out of the bathroom. Everything is so plastiquy in here. The navy floor, the doors the sinks. Everything except the white walls. I guess that's easier to clean up. Why not the walls tho ? As no one ever shat on the walls explosive diareah style ? Maybe the aenesthetics are still in my system... i walk back to my bed and notice, as i'm about to hop back on it, feeling the cold white steel against my ankle, the curtain. There's a fucking curtain in here. That means there's someone on the other side. Some mummy barely breathing through its tubes. I can't look. Just imagining its eyes slowly darting at me and it's voice, raspy and filled with sand, bed me to spend their final moments by their side. I peep behind the curtain, a cold sweat dripping down my spine. Empty. Completely clean and ironed sheets. Untouched. Thank god i'm alone. I climb and roll in bed. Close my eyes and fall asleep. I need some rest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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