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Let's fucking go, the bell just rang and it's time to mark my ground. I'm gonna beat the shit out of him he isn't ready for the wrath of THE Victor Criss !
Alright who am i kidding ? I am shitting myself obviously! Henry is a beast, a savage, a blood-lusty, beast. A monster. A demon! You get the gig, this could me my last rodeo because, and i'm sure of it, he's bringing his knife. I'm lucky enough for him not to have his father's gun. He has his crazyness tho... But! No matter how scared i am I'm going to this fight. I'd rather be a dead man than a humiliated one ! Again it is mostly because he might go easier on me if i show up. Well not easy, but easier, after all we were friends a few hours ago and bestfriends a few years ago. I honestly can't believe my life came to this. I didn't thought when i was twelve that i'd be the biggest loser around. Actually i should have been able to tell since thinking « No Future » before adolescence is a notable setting for failure. I walk through every corridor, delaying the confrontation to make up a last minute plan. I'm swifter and faster than him, maybe i have a chance if i just focus on dodging and let him wear out. I'm going. I can't possibly be late, i don't want to be chased around, or let people think i'm a coward.
Everyone is watching me. Seems i'm the first one to show up, Henry won't be long. The crowd is dead quiet, everyone knows this is my doom. Reg is here. Honestly i'm ashamed. I feel like a circus animal. A freak that only exist to entertain and hides in the light of the day, watched by others only to be thrown off when they don't need him anymore. But Henry's not different from me. Yesterday we were friends, today we are performers.
He's here.
He's here staring at me but he doesn't start just yet.  A big part of Henry's intimidation technique as always been just letting his mystique work for him and honestly I understand why, I mean, deep down I've always been just a little scared of him but to know I'm his next victim is on another level. Henry starts talking :
- So fag you thought you could lie to me forever ? That you could get away with your pansy shit ?...
Everyone gasps and whispers like they don't already know I'm queer. The rumor has been going around for months, even if it kind of died off this shouldn't be that much of a surprise.
-...Well you're over now.
He takes that serene look I don't like. This might going to get too far. Fucking hell might as well go for it !
- Yeah you're right Hank I can't lie forever, how horrible of me to dare be gay. Yeah keep whispering people because it is true...
If I had an associate on this one they'd kill me for going THIS far away from the ' make him go easy on me' script
-...but you know Hank I'm not the only one ! Hell Peter begged me not to fight you saying how sad he was that him and I broke up. But just had to come to our little meeting !
The crowd's mind is blown I can't see if Peter is here but I catch a quick glance at Reg and he is speechless, I'd be a bit proud if his fucking girl wouldn't have an 'told ya' look on her ugly ass face.
Henry's heard enough he runs towards me and I don't have the time to dodge. I get thrown on the ground but I get up quickly allowing me to to get behind him and kick him on his lower back. He let's out a little scream and turns around, he looks like a mad bull. He punches me in right in the face but thankfully I'm able to block the second one with my arm and I try to punch him with my right fist but he catches my wrist and pulls me towards him. When I notice the shining blade facing towards me at stomach level it's too late. Henry stabs me and pushes me away. I fall on the ground. Shit it hurts like hell I have trouble  breathing. I think he knocked the wind out of me. He walks over me and puts his foot on my forearm. I think nothing of it until he grabs right before where his put his boot and pulls upwards with such a strength. Oh God there was a big crack. He broke my arm. He fucking broke my arm. I let out the most throatwrenching scream before turning numb. He's screaming at my face but I can't really tell what he's saying everything is getting dizzy. The world start to wash away. He grabs me by my hair and keeps yelling when the weight he was putting on me lifts. Then everything goes black.
I don't know how long I've been out for but when I briefly open my eyes again I'm not at the same place. There's an alarm going on and multiple people, like 3 or 4, above me. They put the weird transparent mask on me and after a quick headache I'm doing again.
With only a vague memory of all that happened I wake up in to white ceiling. I feel fevery. Sweat dripping from my forehead. Quickly a nurse comes and starts asking me question, I tell how I'm feeling and so apparently it's normal that I feel like shit. Still she moves the bed so that my legs are a bit higher than my head. After a while I start to feel normal again. The weird thing is that nothing hurts, they must have put me under a shit ton of anaesthetics. I stare around the room a little. Around me are a bunch of creepy sick people. It's not their fault they look terrifying of course but ever since I was a kid I've always been scared of hospitals. I remember when I was around nine or ten, my grandma was sick, I don't remember what she had but  everyone knew she wouldn't get out of the hospital before her death, so much do that I was given the 'death talk' before we went. But that's not what scared me. What really shook me to my core was when I saw her. The respiratory machine. The bip of the heart rates. The food smeared on her hospital gown her the look of death in her eyes. I've never really known her before that so now to me she'll always stay the ghost of death. So to imagine every room where at least one dead patient has been makes me pretty terrified of the place. Also it doesn't help that I also have a really bad phobia of needles. Guess what ! I also have the story for this one ! Yay... So this time I was even younger, 6 years old. And I needed a blood test. So I sta in the big chair and without even saying anything the nurse stuck her needle in my arm. And for context I have really thin blood vessels so it was impossible for her to find one immediately. And so for a complete hour she searched and searched in both of my arms without using the numbing patches my mom used to make sure that it wouldn't hurt. Safe to say after that I avoided blood test or anything that had to do with needles. So one thing's for sure is that I won't fall into hard drugs and well...at least that's nice I guess. The nurse comes back, sees that i'm fine and takes me to my room. My room where EVERYONE is waiting for me.

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now