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Okay so  i haven't written in here in about two weeks and believe me my life keeps getting down hill . So after what happened in the middle of the night  came the morning and boy was it a hell of ride . So we had to go back to school even tho i still wasn' t at my greatest . I slept a little in the car and when I woke up we were already there . Great. The first thing i saw when i got inside the school is Peter who literally ran towards me just to tell me he had to tell me something but because i'm cursed he got sick and i still don't know what he wants from me . And to keep talking about people that keep parasiting my life i finally know what Greta and Marcia were preparing ... Greta asked me out on a date and refused because , well obviously i'm not really into women (espacially her ) , and i don' t know if she read it in my eyes or something but now half the school thinks i'm a homo and Henry believe's it since he's been looking at me like he's trying to murder me with his stare . Belch also knows about the rumors and he is about to ask me about it while we're behind the school.
- Hey ...Vic you know there's some rumors about you being ...
- gay . Yeah i know ...
- Well it is true ??
- Yeah it is but Greta doesn't know that it's true she just made that up ,
holy shit i just told my  best friend i'm gay i'm gonna die ...
- it's true ... wow i can't believe it
God damn i don't like that, it's scary, scarier than i thought.
- i know it's weird, that you're gonna see me differently, but yknow....
He's looking at me with a look i'm sure i really understand , i'm honestly scared of what he's gonna say next ... I'm scared he'll say something like « it's not gonna change stuff  , you can go see a doctor or sum ? »
- Dude it doesn't matter if you're gay or not !!
He's looking around.
- i mean i'm bi so yeah ...
The conversation just ended there, i can't say anything else we're both stuck we've eachother's secret . I saw a crazed Miss.Greta fucking running towards me . Seriously i don't know what's  with rich kids and running towards me, it's getting redondant . She looks like she's gonna kill me but when she finally reaches up to me she puts her sweaty hand on my chest and started talking sweetly (except at the beginning)
- Hey Vic , is that your fucking boyfriend ?!
she is honesty terryfing and i wish lmao...
- Cool , cool  , so you know the rumors about you being  you know...
she motionned a « gay manoeuver » with her hand . God she is so annoying , in my head i begged Belch to stay with me so when i saw him looking at me with an hesitation on his face i decomposed but i guess he understood since he's still here .
- yeah of course i know you made it up.
- I didn't made it up Marcia did but whatever right , well i have a proposition for you ..
Get the fuck away from me Greta Bowie.
- What is it Greta ?
I am starting to think that she is truly unhinged ...
- I, Greta Bowie , asks you ,again, to be my boyfriend .
She said that with a proud face as if i would immediately fall for her .
- And if you refuse Vicky , i have my ways of socially destroying you.
Okay it's clear as day she definitly is batshit crazy.
- okay , fine i'll do it ...
I said without any conviction . Right after i looked over at Reg who really looked upset but it's not like i can do anything about it . Holy shit she just kissed me , i'm gonna vomit it's so weird and disgusting she could have at least asked ... and gladly she left so i didn't had to tell her anything.
- Hey Vic why didn't you said no if you're really gay .
Wow thanks big guy, y'know i love you but i'm not crazy enough to out myself to the all school...
- What do you want me to say , i can't let the all school know i'm gay , they're already saying some crazy shit .
- Okay but be careful you can't let her expect things from you that you can't give her you know like you not gonna have sex with her right ??
You don't say ...
- Believe me i couldn't dude !!
Literally i'd rather die than to touch her with a stick. We're laughing it off and washing it with a good cigarette.
- You have a lighter ?
He does this thing sometimes where he gets to my height to stare me right in the eyes . I gave him my lighter and our hands touched . How are peolpe gonna think i'm dating Greta when i flush red all the time i'm around him . I raise my head up to look at him when i realised he was looking at me with a gentle smile .
Just remembered we have to go back to class this afternoon. Oh Peter is back , wow he he really started walking faster as soon as he saw me .What a weirdo...

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now