christmas special

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An:This isn't canon to the fic at all and I started writing that DURING Christmas Eve💀.So happy holidays to everyone, in consequences i offer you this Christmas gift and if you don't celebrate Christmas, i offer you this normal gift 😁.

Good morning everyone reading how are you doing my dears ! Yes I am happier than usual for it is Christmas, shall we hang ourselves ? Just kidding but really i like the holidays, makes me feel like a kid everytime. I got up early today i have a date with Peter at 10, don't know who has dates on Christmas but whatever, i guess it is nice to have a coffee during the cold winter. I'm dressed like shit but he's used to it, i could put more effort into our dates but again it's cold so it's alright. He's waiting for me at my frontdoor, i should go answer, i'm not gonna let him die from the cold.
- Hey Peter, what's up ?
He takes me in his arms. I hope he would ask before touching me. It's okay but damn he's taking me by surprise i don't have time to react so i'm just standing there like a dumbass.
- Hi babe, I'm real happy to see you, yknow the coffee place i found is really amazing i'm sure you're gonna love it Vic !
He haven't told me the exact place we're going to yet but yeah i really hope it's great. We get in the car, i'm sure it's expensive it's a white corvette and it's honestly a very pretty vehicle, i'm not really into cars i think it's not too hard to figure out. We're not going too far, just a bit outta town, it looks like a small coffee shop where we're stopping. It's a cute spot, i do like it, it seems alright. Inside there's a ton of plants in tiny pots hanging from the ceiling, the walls are some weird shade of green and-
- Hi, what would you like to order ?
That guy is a jumpscare, a tall guy with long brown hair and a mustache. What 17 year old guy, yeah he looks around 17, has a mustache, it looks weird. Not that he's ugly but the mustache man ?
- Oh hey Val, i came with my boyfriend like i told you i would.
- Hello Peter, and so you're Victor ? It's a pleasure, i'm Valentin.
Damn they seem close, but i've never seen him, maybe he goes to another school.
- Huh yeah it's me-
- I've heard so much about you, seriously Peter never stops talking but i'm sure you know about it.
Yeah he talks, talks, talks i know but you talk weird Val. No really he sounds swedish maybe ? Nonetheless he has an accent and so i'm sure i've never seen him before because i would have remembered him. He must be in another school, maybe in Bangor. I am not listening to what they're saying at all, i think Peter is ordering ? He knows what i drink anyway so i just nod and follow him to our table. We talk for a while about everything and anything, having a good time for about an hour. No one in the shop so we can be a little more open about our relationship since Valentin is aware of us and seems to give zero shit. So we go back to the car and drives me home. I kiss him goodbye, yeah he deserves it, and go home. It snowed a bit when we were at the coffee shop. I like the snow, the way it glitters when the sun touches it with its rays. Yeah i'm kind of a poet you could say that yeah... I open the door, get inside and my mother is waiting for me...shit.
- Victor.
- Mom.
What does she want ?
- I saw what you did with that boy...
Holy.shit. have an hour to get out with your shit, you can come back when you thought about what you did to flout our honor.
I don't even answer her and get upstairs. How dare she do that to me, i' m her son for fuck's sake. Kicked out on Christmas... Where am i even supposed to go ? I pack a backpack, i do plan on coming back when i want, even if it means begging for it, i need a house. But first what i need to do is to figure out where i am going to go today to, i dunno, don't freeze out in the cold. I could go to the mall for the afternoon to not seem like i don't have- the mall is closed.... Fuck. well maybe i could the park for a while and then, i don't know, i have no idea, i'll think about it later, i think it's time to go anyway. I don't even say goodbye. She doesn't want to hear it i bet.
Well, out in the wild. Alone. I walk to the park, listening to the *crunch crunch*of the snow under my feet. I could go see Peter but I'm not sure what he could do since his parents aren't too fold of me. Honestly i think they also suspect something's up between us and they probably wouldn't let me stay the night at their house with their precious son. Now you might be wondering why don't you call Belch your best friend/ crush/ not my boyfriend since I'm dating someone else ! But i won't go to his house because I think he isn't there since he is with his family and i don't want to bother them. Or to make his whole family think his bestie his homeless, and also again his younger cousins Daniel and Daryl, they're twins, give me murderous ideas and again i believe it's mutual. So other options:
Henry, with his dad it's an hell no from me .
Greta, no.
Marcia, i could try but y'know i'm kinda dating her ex so no.
I am NOT going to Hockstetter's like ever.
So i have nowhere to go and no one to turn to. Great. So i guess I'll lay down on the bench to think.
I've been thinking for a while now and my conclusion is that i am completely and definitely cold, yes, but mostly i don't have a solution. Yup i'm gonna stay on this bench forever. May- SOME MOTHERFUCKER JUST THREW A SNOWBALL IN MY FUCKING FACE !
- Hey sorry man, he didn't mea- Vic what are you doing here ?
Reg and his cousins, playing in the snow, how long have they been there ?
- Nothing, i don't know...what to
Yeah it's hard to seem okay when your life is in shambles and i'm sort of paralyzed by the cold so that's why i sound so miserable.
- You wanna come with us ? We're going home anyways.
Honestly even if i didn't wanted to go, i nod and follow him back to Daniel and Daryl.
- Hey if it isn't Victor, since when did you became homeless Vic ?
Apparently they've been there for a while, i can't tell which one is it but i'm gonna punch him.
- Shut up Daryl, it's Christmas you fuck. We're going home.
They complain but still follow us, what else would they do, go home walking ? I just know they wouldn't.
It feels so good to finally feel warmth after an hour and a half, yes i thought for a long time. Belch yells at the boys because « How dare they wet Amy ?! » Sounds weird yeah, i always found it funny that he gave a name to his car, its like old texas guys that call their guns Stephany. I'm looking out the window, i think we're almost there.
- Hey, what happened ?
Reggie whispers so his develish relatives don't hear. Again not exaggerating.
- I'll tell you later.
Not gonna tell him in the car, he's not a super attentive driver, but he sure is an attractive one. He sighs, he knows when i don't want to tell him something there's no point in instinging and what is he complaining about ? I'll tell him later, and i mean it because i changed my mind and i think i will ask him to stay over, it's probably a better option and unlike most parents Marjorie, his mother, thinks i'm a « wonderful young man » her words not mine.
Finally home, well soon to be.
- My mom is in town with my uncle and aunt. Daniel, Daryl you know where the tv is, and try not to fight, if you do just don't touch the decorations alright. I'm upstairs with Vic if you need me.
- Oh and what are you going to do with Victor, in your room, alone ?
14 year olds are the worst people on earth, and so are twins, the two combined is a mistake of god i believe.
- Shut up Daniel or i'm locking you outsid, Vic you're coming ?
- yeah.
I love Reg's room, it's nice and cozy and because he's so tall he has a king size bed whiwh is particularly comfortable, i think it's for his back, he got a locker, we don't have a lot of them so you gotta have certified back problems , i think he has a scoliosis since he grew up fast and tall. I should ask him how he's doing more often but he always seems so relaxed, it's rare to see him scared or hurt and he always makes sure i'm okay.
- Vic, are you okay ?
- Yeah, to be honest i've seen better days but what about you dude ? How's your back ?
It sounded like i am trying to hyde stuff from him, to be honest I'm not the best with conversation.
- My back ? Well i spent the afternoon bent over to catch snow so not great but can we talk for a bit and go back to that later ?
Yeah probably a wiser solution.
- So mind telling me what happened ?
- Everything happended super fast i was coming back from a date with Peter and when i came home my mother said she saw us kiss and so...
I still can't process that she did that. My own mother, i've never felt more betrayed in my entire life. I don't mean to but i just start to cry like a kid.
-...So she kicked me out.
- Aw man, on Christmas ? C'mere...
I hug him and cry on his shoulder. I kinda feel pathetic doing it but its comforting.
-...You can stay as long as you want dude you're always welcomed here.
So i stayed for Christmas at his house. Celebrating with his family, to be honest they are all very nice people, except for Daniel and Daryl, they all greeted me like it was planned that i would come and have dinner with them. I felt like i was with my family, more than i ever felt with my blood related one. Around 1AM we went back to his room and sat on his bed.
- So Reg, your back ?
He thought i forgot but no sir ! I am determined that we talk about you  yes sir !
- Yeah, yeah my back hurts, whatcha gonna do about it ?
- Well i can perform a massage for your information !
- Oh really, well i'm not sure your boyfriend would like that too much.
- I don't give a shit !
- Yeah ? Well there's mistletoe attached to the lamp above us, you know what that mea-
And we kissed. We kissed for a long time. Atleast it felt like it lasted hours ! I've never been so happy in my whole life.
- Wow we should have done that a long while ago.
- Merry Christmas Reg.
- Merry Christmas love.

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