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All right it's been two months and my life has never been messier we're in january and i have one hell of a love life, let me explain: So from where i left you i still need to answer to Peter because it's complicated but that's what i'm doing today so it's stressing to say the least. I need to speak to Reg to make a decision because the plan is to make him jealous but if he isn't aware of it it's useless.... Then there's the whole Greta stuff, to give you an idea i had to go on dates with her and it was the worst, she's not interresting in the least and i have to be push her away all the time because she wants to do stuff with me but i'm not into her at all so i can't and i don't want to . I guess i need to talk with Belch about that too just to see him give me the 'told ya' look... But except all of these problems right now the main one is Henry because despise Greta saying the rumors aren't true Henry still doesn't want to speak to me ... So i take my courage with me and i go talk to him , Patrick is there too but i just ignore him.
-Henry can i talk to you please ?
I give him my pleading look and hope for the best.
- Yeah but i don't want to hear you if you're a fag Vic because i know you don't like Greta at all.
What a mentalist ...
- I'm not but you're right about the Greta thing i just date her to get rid of the rumors but it seems that that doesn't matter does it ?
The good thing with Henry is that i can make him believe what i want just because of who i am. He stares at me with a look i know, he's mad...
-Yeah you better not but why did you waited two months to come talk to me ?
Who are you romcom girl character?? He's mad at me but i guess i should have come earlier but he could have come talk to me !! I'm not gonna  try to resonate with Henry he's too stuborn to listen if he doesn't agree.
- I didn't wanted to ruin your reputation with my buisness so y'know...
Alright he believes me let's go for the kill !! 
- ...Listen i need you to be on my side because i'm gonna leave Greta for obvious reason  and the rumors are gonna come 'round again so i really need someone influencial that can defend me.
...A stoic face , oh ! A faint smile , this is gonna go smooth !!...
Me and Henry got along but Hockstetter is really disturbing, i'm really happy i don't have to talk to him but him and Hank are weird together so i'm starting to think that they are the gay ones but i'm not gonna risk my life joking about it... So now that that's over with i need to break up with Greta, FINALLY !! I walk up to her and her group of friends ,she puts her arms around my neck, i push her away and give her my signature death stare .
- Vicky what are you doing you're not like this..
she laughs , oh boy she doesn't know what's coming ! Also how come she so stereotypical, like what's with everyone comming from a TV show today ?
- Greta i'm breaking up with you.
Drop the mic, and that's what i call shock value.
- uhhh... what ? You know what's coming to you Victor , you think i don't know about you and Peter  because it's weird that right after your little meeting he breaks up with our dear Marcia...
She's halfway wrong so i guess she not that bad at guessing stuff , also it doesn't surprise me that she knows that i've been to Peter's house because Marcia's house is right next to it. Those two past months Marcia Fadden was really sad ( what a drama queen, she didn't even like him) because of her break up with Peter and i mean sure they had been togteher for a long time and everything but really everybody could see that they weren't meant to be together , i mean she was tyranic with him!! I again might be a little dramatic but you get the idea.
- C'mon Greta you don't think i'd be with with Peter ? That's ridiculous, believe me Greta i'm not a fairy and you would look dumb trying to pretend that i am now, also i'm going to talk to him later so don't put your panties in a twist 'bout it.
I almost forgot about Peter i still didn't make a decision so i guess i'll think about it during the afternoon .
Okay so now that Greta calmed down and said that i wasn't worth her time and her talking but that's great news for me. I'm in math class, i have no idea what we're working on because i'm busy : i need to make a decision , do i want to date Peter or not. I mean i don't like him as much as i like Reg but i could make him jealous since he's against me dating Gordon... And also Peter has a lot of money and he's nice so i guess i'll date him... Whatever decision is made. I pass him a note with written on it « Hey Can we talk after school ?? » , i look at him react to it , write something back and give it back to me with a scared discrete look . « Yeah i'd love to , we should meet up at my house ... » Wow, jumping straight to conclusions there, surely that'll be a great way of getting what i want !! Plus it doesn't have to last to long since nobody will know about it. Okay , next step talk to Belch about it, i know he won't be happy with me but maybe i could make him jealous ? I meet him behind the school ( our usual spot )
- Hey Vic !!
Well he looks happy i wonder what happened.
- Hey dude  what's gotten into ya ?
Maybe starting head on isn't a good idea , going for a conversation is safer.
- Well i heard a girl found me handsome and honestly that's the first time so i'm pretty exited y'know . Plus she's pretty fine y'know !!
Ouch that hurts! he can't have a girl or he's not gonna be jealous !! But i'm not going to stop him from being happy just for my personal feelings either I guess i have to go on with the discussion to go to the heart of the subject.
- Wow that's great...
It's not great at all
- Also talking about that i'm going to date Peter.
Wow i totally ruined it he looks devastated, he looks at me like i just killed his mother. He's trying to compose himself and here he goes to make big morals...
- Dude , Vic , dude i'm not gonna stop you but really be careful because you're not going to have fun with Peter , but just saying...
He's looks kinda hurt in his feelings but so am i so he can go fuck himself. ( It's fine if he could fuck me also, just saying...)

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now