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Afternoon starts , we're in math and i'm sitting next to Peter since the teacher chose our seats , also another thing is that there's a video projector problem in our usual math room so we're in the lab with those fucking stools again . I should have mentionned that i just really hate science... Now that i think about it Peter told me he wanted to talk to me and now he's- Bright red , what the fuck ?!
- Hey , Peter are you okay your face is really red ...
He looksat me like i just killed someone with a fork what is wrong with him.
- Y-yeah , i'm fine , imean uhh , yea i'm fine , cool ,yea...Vic.
Is he gonna have a stroke or something ? I'm really starting to get worried .
- So what did you wanted to tell me ?
POV: changing the subject so he's gonna die less i guess. And... it didn't worked , he's hyperventilating it looks like , holy shit .
- Peter are you doing okay ?
The teacher asked .
- No
I tell the teacher because obviously he's not going to. Maybe he's gonna die in me...
- Victor go  with him to help Peter to go to the infirmary.
Those teachers don't give a shit , every time theres a problem they don't even try to see what's wrong and just send anyone to the infirmary so it takes years to go there . Peter is really gonna die , when he got up he almost fainted , whatever happened to him that motherfucker needs a chair. Since i have to take care of him myself i sat him down on the floor of the hallway .
- Hey , Peter how do you feel ?
I sit down next to him and put my hand on his forehead and realise he's not hot at all , and he looks normal  now ... He's fucking kidding me...
- I just wanted to get out because i was embarrassed but you're still here so like can we talk ?
And there he goes, tugging on my jacket like in a TV drama (yes My jacket , because contrary to popular believes i do own some jackets). I just sit down next to him , what else am i gonna do , go tell the teacher , certainely not!!
- You know those rumors about being ...
he started whispering...
- gay  ...
Holy shit is everything about me just my sexuality and the lastest stuff about it ?!
- Yeah i know , they're not true i'm dating Greta ...
eww saying that is awful  but i have to keep going on with that ...
- Ho...really? Wow is it really that important to him if i like dick or not ? Okay so i wanted to ask  if you could help me with something because , you see i'm not really into my girlfriend anymore and i kinda need help with it...
Seriously ?!
- Why are you asking me about your girl if you think i'm gay??
And he's suppposed to be smarter than me , he's really not that bright is he...
- Well,
He's red again , i'm starting to think i'm not the only gay guy here ... Than he touched  my hand that was on the floor . Is dating Greta not enough for him to stop thinking i could be into him ? I backed up a bit and he looked at me with terrifyed eyes , maybe he as a crush on me ,holy shit Peter is loaded i could get money from this! Yeah gimme yo money bitch!!
- I just- i guess gay guys are better with emotions and girl talk ...?
Okay he abandonned the plan , i can still work this out it'll just take longer.
- Maybe we're not gonna talk in the middle of hallway , wanna come to my house after school?
i give him the my « i'm really interested in you and absolutely not in your money » smile.
- Uh yeah , maybe we should go to mine i just got a new guitar you'd like.
He laughed a little akwardly but i don't mind i'm going to rich people house tonight !!!! I answered yes in the most seductive way i could , man if i'm gettin the wrong idea he's gonna think i'm really crazy . I talked with him for the rest of the hour and then i went to talk to Belch to tell him about my soon to be living bank account !!
- Vic you can't be serious , you're not gonna profit off Peter are you ?
He gives me that judgemental look,full of kind advices.
- What, you don't care about him either...
He crossed his arms and ... his face looks a bit angry , and it's kinda hot to be honest , god ever since i noticed i liked liked him i'm going fucking crazy !
- Yeah but Peter and you , like you're so ... and he's not ... you see what i mean right ? And you're already in shit with Greta and that's already not good so like don't do that Vic.
- Wow , glad to see you value me like that , and i'm not gonna let Peter get to me y'know .
Traduction : i need money but also i am madly in love with you .
- You sound really jealous you know.
Yeah i'm playing it like that...
- No ,stop !!just don't , no , promise me you're not gonna fall for him .
He looks in the distance with his eyebrows frauwned, he does this thing with his mouth were it goes from one corner to the other which shows he's mad, but it doesn't change my plans for tonight right ? I'm still gonna do this , right ?? Yes.

Okay i'm way more nervous than i should be and we're not even on street yet , Peter looks so happy , what Reg told me start to resonate in my head and so here comes profit's worst ennemie : Guilt .
We're at his house , it's huge and pretty and clean , i love this house man , perhaps i'm not that wrong about doing this . Even his room is so pretty , a bit plain tho. He sat on his bed and invited me to go next to him.
- Hey Vic , so what do i do ?
- About what ?
I'm honestly scared of what he'll answer.
- About my girlfriend of course , how do i leave her ?
Oh yes that of course , he's kinda boring to be honest, or maybe not , maybe i'm just feeling bad for what i'm doing...
- Well maybe if don't want problems you could say that you found someone else and that you're super sorry or stuff like that . I can definitly do it , and my silly conscience is not gonna stop me! He got closer ,holy shit i was right.
- Yeah...maybe you're... ,
he's putting his hand on my mid thigh, right ? He's only and inch away from my face , it's too late to go back : Here I go !! Okay he's not that bad of a kisser actually , he made me put my hand in his hair . I pulled away from him when i couldn't breathe anymore , he tried to go for a second one but i pushed him away ,i can't do this .
- what's wrong ?
He honestly looks worried , why did i do that for god's sake ...
- I'm sorry Peter...
I put my hand on his shoulder and stare at him and than i thought 'i can't tell him the truth' so i have to make something up , - - - But i'm not gay ,
- and i really tried because everyone tells me i should be and i don't know ... just i so sorry but i can't...
What am i saying ? Obviously i'm not not gay.
- You're not gay ? Wow i thought you were kidding when you said you were dating Greta ... I'm sorry Victor.
Okay i can't let him believe i'm dating her , what is he gonna do anyways ? Tell i'm gay ? He just kissed me !
- No , i am gay just ...
the words are stuck in my throat, another way to say i have no idea of what to tell him.
- ...Listen i fell for someone but he's straight so i wanted to change my mind ...
Yes i know Belch is bi but i have to make sure he's not gonna be in troubles because of me . Wow he looks devastated, why do i think i should lie when i tell the truth and tell the thruth when i lie. Holy shit he started crying and he's trying to speak at the same time...
-Wow i i ,
he sobs between every two words,
- i just -  i really like you but uhh - i totally get  that you like someone else... 
wow i never felt worse in my life i can't leave him like that !
- Hey , hey Peter ,
i can't believe i'm doing this and it's probably weird for him too i've never been affectionate with him. I put my hand is on his cheek,
- calm down Peter, you know ,i don't stand a chance with my crush so on my side i'm going to think about it and on your side you get rid of your girlfriend and you wait because it's gonna take me a while to make a decision.
He shaked his head saying yes and i don't know why but i pulled him close and hugged him , i'm so strange i don't feel anything for him but he makes me empathetic i guess....

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now