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It's been almost a month since last time, it's 2nd of november even more cold than last time . I gave back his jacket to Reg way later than expected , actually i didn't give it back yet because i'm going to his house right now . Yeah i'm going to sleep at his house . I like going there , his mom is always very nice and it's always just a good time. Henry's gonna be there for the afternoon i think ... I just got there . Hank isn't there yet but Reg mentioned that he was coming,Hockstetter isn't because I too wouldn't let him in my house . We just sit on the couch in silence and I kinda stare at him an' all . I should give him his jacket back !!:
- Hey Reg dude , know I really should give you your jacket back i mean it's been a month right !?
Saying that out loud really sounds weird .
- yeah ,he stops in his sentence and chuckles, you sure you want to give it back ?? I mean you've been wearin it for that month !!
Shit .....he's right i wore it on multiple occasions during that month. And that's only what he saw ,we're not going to talk about how i used it as a pillow case when it still smelled like him.(Yeah i washed it, i'm not a n animal) God i'm so weird....He really doesn't need to know about this . It became hard for me to be around him without blushing , aww man i have it bad for a guy , i'm going to die ...
-Yeah I'm sure you dumbass !!
Trying to hide embarrasement is hard...
- you looked cute in it ...
no ... he didn't just said that , i imagined it it's not possible !!
-What ??
Yeah, What indeed !!
-what ?
Are we playing some kind of mind game right now? Because that's the vibe i'm getting
A while after Henry finally got here , and thank to god because the tension was getting umberable . A good thing with Henry is that he has a way of taking everyones attention all the time . And that's when ,after 2 hours of being there just chilling , he asked if we wanted to go foro
-It'll be another time guys , i have to go ...
And just like that he just left without us . He looked a bit panicked tho. Sometimes i get worried for Henry , i don't really know what could happen , i mean this summer his dad almost shot him, it's not new that dear'ol Butch is batshit crazy but even i or Belch have no idea how far the insaness got . And it's just two of us again ( real change in the mood i know). Aaaaahh what the fuck am i going to do ? , this never happened before . I mean it did happen but i wasn't in fucking love with him or something . We started playing street fighter and s game sucks, it's so unfair!! i still won of course but that's not the point. He literally sucks at those because he has no reflex . Then we watched "The Rocky horror picture show " and that movie doesn't make sense ,like it's good but i really wouldn't be able to recite the plot . I was kind of uneasy when Doc.Franck went to fuck with Brad so i started eating all of the vinaigre chips . And because of my BIG GENIUS MOVE my stomach began hurting as hell and i can't tell him i need to take the worst shit of my life !! I looked at the ground as my face began to heat up . This is definitly not the right time to not feel well, i was supposed to have a good time for god's sake !!
-Hey Vic , he grabbed my shoulder , are you okay ?
I looked at him with my eyes wide open.
-y-yeah i'm fine
i don't sound like it ... Sometimes fake it till you make it isn't as efficient as it sound.
-you sure ? Your face is really red man
Holy shit his hand is on my face . I am in a mental coffin.
- Can i go, for a second ?
Like i'm some renaissance lady that needs fresh air.
- yeah of course.
I went to the toilets and spent a fucking while in there . Shit i'm not feeling better but what do i do ? I need to talk to him about it i can't just die in there . I got out of the toilets and went back to the living room :
-Reg , i'm so sorry i'm really not feeling well...
i tell him that while holding myself against the wall like i'm some kid that threw up at 3Am. He literally runs up to me, my poor diva self .
-Oh shit you wanna lye down ?
Of course i do, we go to the livingroom and i lay down on the couch.Shit he puts my head on his lap !! I don't know if i'm feeling sick or if the happiest man alive ... I'm tired from all of everything.
I woke up , man it's the middle of the night . I look up ... oh he fell asleep , he's really cute like that, i wish i could just tell him but even if i could it's way too soon. And he could call me a faggot and never want to talk to me ever again or worse. But for worse Henry would have to be involved.
-ho...He's awake , Vic you're awake ...?
Well i am but are you ? That's a good question.
-You're feeling better ??
-Yeah i'm better ...!
I love it when he touches my hair it feels really nice... And then i fell back asleep .

I'm Vic Criss and my life sucks...Where stories live. Discover now