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Third person...

"Sir, where would you like these?"

"Oh, just put them aside. I won't see them until tomorrow." Charles said, and she did as told.

The girl was new to the staff, and Charles often wondered how someone so young landed a job as an assistant. To someone like him and his Co workers.

"Oh, and Mia?" Charles called after her.


"Tell Kip I'd like to see them."

"Yes - oh! And it's him today, sir." Mia added, to which she got a nod.

Mia walked out of the office, her cheeks flushed, and she was about ready to squeal. Oh, I can't believe it was him! Charles Freeman, my hero! For a while now, Mia admired him from afar.

She studied his cases while in college, and was amazed at how much he had accomplished at such a young age. Charles was only 29, with Mia being six years younger than him. Although they don't meet much, Mia hopes that he'll notice her work.

Mia went to the elevator and then went on to go find Kip.

Charles picked up his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Aurora picked up almost instantly.

"Heyy, Mr bigshot!" She croaked, and then gave out an uneven laugh.

"Aurora... are you drinking?"

"Ohh..." There was a pause, "It's not that much."

"Aurora, stop drinking. You working right now." Charles scolded.

"I'm stressed right now, Charlie!" She snapped back, "I miss David, Things are going slow, and this child is getting on my nerves."

"What's his name again? Mickey?"

"Yeah. All he talks about is how much he misses Elizabeth, and how he never sees her and yadayadayada! He's getting on my nerves."

"Aurora, stop drinking."

"You cant tell me what to do Charles, were equals. Your not my superior anymore, stop acting like one."

"Aurora, as a friend, I am asking you to put the glass down. You've had enough, you need to be sober for this. I know it's tough being away and being back, after such a long time, but please focus. I can't promise you a big reward, but I will make it up to you."

Aurora didn't say much, until a after a couple seconds, she went off.

"Youll make it up to me? You'll make another promise you can't keep, huh? Is that what your offering me?! Another peice of false hope, or some other bullshit you want me to believe?! Just because you were my coworker doesn't mean I have to go by the bs you beleive - or whatever corrupt system this is. So you can take your fucking promises, and stick em up your ass!-"

Charles put the phone on the desk, filling the empty floor with a sad tink. Mia walked in.

"Is everything alright, sir?"

"Everything is fine Mia."

"Right. I thought I heard a loud argument... my mistake." She said, turning her back to him. For a young assistant, she knew what was what, and what was bullshit. She'd call it out too, no matter who was in front of her. "Kip is here." She added.

She left the room and gave a small glance and nod to Kip.

In he came, a goofy grin plastered on his face. His long curly hair covered half of his face, and the red flannel he wore was a little too big. Aside from his usual smile, his eyes were glowing a bright green. Tori Charles thought, I wonder what she's up to.

"Charlie, you wanted to see me?"

"Oh, yes. I'm asking a favor of you now, so please, close the door."

Kip did as told and closed the door behind him, then sat down with an 'oof'.

"Kip, could you not?" Charles glared. Kip knew fully well that what he did annoyed Charles, and so he smiled. "Have you been able to find anything on Russo?"

"No. In fact, he became a ghost, not long after Elizabeth showed up at your house. There is no paper trail, he isn't buying anything, or if he is, it's under a different name. He hasn't done anything online, or nothing to grab the attention of the media." Kip ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know what to tell you."

"Ok..." Charles said, and held his head with both hands. Oh, he's thinking. Kip thought. "In that case, I want you to do two things for me. More important, I need to know what Aurora is up to and where she is. In the hotel or somewhere else."

"Is she drinking?"

"Yes," Charles answered sadly.

"Oh. And the other thing?"

Charles sat still, thinking for a minute. Finally, he said, "I want you to find out everything you can about Elizabeth Cruz and Adam Russo's other child. I beleive they have an important role in something, because Victor has been too quiet."

"Elizabeth Cruz? Aaron's dead sister, what does she have to dow the this?"

"A lot." He answered gruffly.

Kip nodded and stood. A sudden change in the room, made goosebumps crawl up his arm. He felt a tension behind him, but didn't look back.

"I'll do what I can." He said, then left.

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(Sorry for the short chapter!)

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