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You're worthless, Elizabeth.

You're nothing but a disgrace to this family.

Why are you hiding? Are you scared of your auntie?

Don't be so cold, go say hello to your family.

Your bringing shame to our name... you are nothing. Don't feel like you are.

Do you finally know your place? Do you finally understand? That you







What's wrong? Why are you hiding here?

Is the music too loud?

Are you tired? I am too.

Let's go to sleep. Don't worry about anything... close your eyes.

I awoke with tears jn my eyed. The fave if my father was kindly smiling over me, with small eyes that sparkled.

His voice wasn't his though, at least I don't think so. Not unless he sounded like Vic.

The dream I just had... why did I cry? My father is nothing but a memory of a picture from when I was a child.

What does it mean. If my dream meant anything at all.

He's dead. Why was he in my dream?


It's been 3 days.

It's time, I even marked it on the calendar I'm the kitchen. I circled it and put an exclamation mark in the middle, as if to remind myself what happening.

Like I even needed to, I scoffed. It's all I've been thinking about.

Would it be my demise? Would it end my young aspiring career of a liar? Was I too young for any of it?

I didn't want to know yet.

It was midnight.

I knocked on Charles door, but he was already up. He looked like he was ready for the day, like he had gotten up every other day at 7. His hands quivered with nervousness, like my throat.

I didn't say anything, I just gave him a nod as if to ask 'ready?'.

We got into the car. By the time we got to the meeting place, it'll be 1 am, despite there being no traffic.

He just had to pick a difficult place. Well, convenient for both in a way as well.

It was the docks that held some of his imports, occasionally. If everything went well, we'd have his stuff as a bonus. If everything went well.

I silently begged that things would.

"Are you alright?" He asked suddenly. It broke the silence that was only being held together by the hum of the car.

And, I was shocked by it.

"Yeah... just cold. And nervous, and tired."

"You could have stayed, if you wanted. It's not like it's a place for you to-"

"I'm fine, Charles. I want to be there."

He frowned, "why?"

"I don't know," I shrugged, "Maybe I just want to see some action? It's nothing like that... I only think it's fair."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2023 ⏰

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