Chapter 3: Wires to Bullets

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"Clover please don't go!" I hear a voice say.

"I'm sorry sister, I can't stay. It's for the best of me...and the best of you guys."

I felt a slight pain in my cheek. "Idiot! Wake up!"

Wake up...Wake up...

I slowly open my eyes to a large figure on top of me. "Good morning," she says.

"Rii?" I say.

She chuckles, "Good morning little one.~"

"Hey there...Can you get off me?"

"Sure, I was planning to have a little fun, but I'll give you some pity for now,~" she says getting off of me. As I got up, I started to smell something pleasant.

"Are you cooking something?"

"Yes, but first I want to ask you something," she says sitting next to me. "We haven't introduced ourselves yet."

"Right. We should've done that sooner," I said stretching my arms out. "Well, I'm Clover Imaizumi. I have a twin sister but we got separated."

"Oh, dear. That's terrible."

"Don't worry, that's why I'm getting the hell out of here."

"I notice that you don't talk much, why is that so?" she asks.

I look down at my feet. "It's just how I am. I'm the complete opposite of my older sister. She's cheerful, clumsy, and talkative. I'm not so much."

"I see. Anyway, I'm Rii Ida. As you can see, I'm a dragon, an ice dragon specifically. I'm one of the last of my species and I'm glad that someone like you saved me and isn't using me as a tool. I'm about 2300 years old-"

I was moved, "Wait, 2300?"

"Indeed, us dragons live for centuries actually."

I nod, interesting to learn more about Rii as she continues her story. Rii is one of the last few of her dragonkin. For years she has been kept as a threat to many kingdoms and villages where she never had a place to stay. She only wanted to live like any other being. She soon gets captured by ruin guards and it is unknown to her. People misjudged her as a dangerous species so she hid when people started hunting her kind and hid under a human form.

"Wow, that's sad."

"I know, anyway, let's eat! You must be starving," she says as she brings a bowl of some sort of soup. "Don't worry, it's just beef stew."
"Thank you," I say, taking a spoonful and I get a sense of my sister's cooking. When we were 5, our parents died in a riot as they were high-value targets because they were both lawyers so it was just my sister and me along with our grandparents. Grandmother would teach my sister how to cook while my grandfather taught me how to defend the house. How to fight and teach me basics until I was old enough to go to school.

"How is it?" she asks.

"It's really good, it reminds me of my sister's cooking."

Rii blushes, "Thank you, that means a lot. So how are we going to get out of here?"

"I have an idea," I say, grabbing some of the steel and other metals from swords.

There was a furnace nearby so I used it to melt the iron. Using a few other materials, I used to shape the iron into a longish tube. I then found something like silicon and mixed it with the steel to make a spring. I then welded a few parts and pieces together to create a body for a new weapon I had in mind. I made a trigger, magazine, and a gas system, and if you guessed that I made a gun, you're right. I made two.

"What are those?" Rii asks.

"These are called guns, specifically submachine guns and a rifle." I thought Rii was already familiar with the


"They shoot these small projectiles called bullets that have gunpowder that explode a piece of lead in a fast wall," I show one of the bullets in front of her. "Now with the parts I made, I can put them together and here you go." I aim at a nearby pot and pull the trigger, causing a burst of bullets onto the target.

"Woah, that's amazing. How haven't I seen those before?"

"Maybe because of the times you were dug underground."

She chuckles, "That is true."

"Anyway, we shall move out."


We decided to continue onto the cavern to fight the boss. Reaching the room, the boss was a hydra. You take out one head, two more heads grow on top of it. It was tough. We noticed that each head was color-coded and each of them has some sort of element. We noticed that the hard way. One of the heads shot fire, ice, lighting, and one of the heads heals the others. Rii was useful for shielding and hitting the stumps of the heads, but it started killing itself. Around 15 heads, the hydra started to eat and fight itself. All we had to do was avoid the rest of the attacks the hydra did to itself.

As the hydra flops to the ground like a pancake, it starts to disintegrate into a black cloud and a chest appears in front of it. It was gold and white, hoping that the reward would be grand. Opening the chest, there was a black cloak with shoulder armor and a hood with a little dip that goes down from the middle. In front of us, a door opens and we walk in. A bright light was shining from the darkness we were finally outside the gate.

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