Chapter 14: War on the Beginning

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A few weeks have past and everyone is prepared. The Gargola army took humvees, new vehicles were permitted mostly for troop transport. For a regular army underdeveloped by technology it would've taken them months for them to march all the way, but it only took three days for the entire army to transport. I was surprised that these were even made here despite having guns in this world. As we deployed into our positions I felt a similar feeling back when a bunch of adventurers Rii and I took the castle and freed Umi back then. It was also good to see other riflemen other than me as well. I was told there were to be about twenty others, but I couldn't spot the last four. I wasn't formally introduced to the entire team so I was blind going into position with the others. As part of the rifleman, I had to change my outfit to fit the others. It felt like a special ops outfit like back in the real world with armor plating, helmets padding, and chest rig. We then were issued headphones to communicate with others along with talking to others.

"You must be Clover eh?" a man asks.

"Yes, I am Clover."

"If you're thinking of where the other four are, they're positioned about five kilometers back and in the air."

"How come?"

"The sniper team is filled with cyclops. Due to their singular eye, they have a perfect vision from about ten kilometers away, and the name's Dutch, it's good to meet ya, captain."

"Thanks for the info, it's good to meet you too."

I ended up meeting the other riflemen. Some of them were standard riflemen while some were closed and some were longer-range soldiers. Many of them had many experiences as some of them were ex-Irelian soldiers that knew how to work guns, and it felt good to them to destroy the world they played as pawns in. Some of them were mere adventurers and new recruits just getting into their first fight.

"What we have to do is lay cover for our footmen and mages. I'll give you guys the signal. We will push with the rest into the capital and takedown Irelia. When this battle ends, I want to see all of you return to me in one piece, and that is an order."

"Yes, sir!" the soldiers return.

I pressed a button on my jacket, "Queen Tanne, riflemen are ready to cover fire."

In the communications, we heard Hunter, leader of the footmen, prepared to charge in. The mages first were to shoot a ball to breach the walls. Then everyone charges in. It was total silence.

In one word from the Queen, a large ball of elements was blasted to hit the wall, showing a large hole on the gate walls. Hunter then led the charge in with the other soldiers following behind him. On the other side, many Irelian soldiers aimed at the footmen, but Rebekka had something under her sleeve. I remember seeing this with one of their training sessions. It was a prototype when I first saw it. It was a riot shield. As the foot soldiers pushed in slowly, we pushed and got to the top of the walls. As some of the footmen were to clear the walls, we could take out the soldiers below.

Henry, one of the closer ranged, took out something in his bag, it was a machine gun. One other, named Konrad, also carried a machine gun and started laying down bullets into the defending troopers. In a matter of seconds, the line of troopers was weakened and the foot soldiers pushed. As we pushed deeper and closer to the capital. Many of these soldiers dropped quickly with others taking more shots to take down. Everything was fine until we felt a shockwave. In the corridor, there were three heavy soldiers. They were heavily armored and carried a machine gun too, but it shot bullets at a faster rate. We were pinned down.

"Captain, what are we going to do?" Algo says, looking in my direction.

"Just hold tight," a feminine voice says as the crack of a bullet zips through, hitting one of the heavies in the head.

"Keep them still and busy while we take them out for ya!" one of the snipers says.

"Roger that." I say, "Cover the snipers!" I order as we shoot back. Soon, the rest of the heavy soldiers fall to the ground and our advance continues.

Pushing into the capital a large door was in our way. It seemed to be made out of anti-magic material. Not even explosives could breach the door, but Rii and Umi stood in front. The two smile. Umi put her hands on Rii's shoulder and rang her bell as Rii laid her hands on the door. Rii took a deep breath in, then roared a cloud of ice, combining her ice power to freeze the door. Rii looks at me and nods.

"Set charges!" I say as Dutch and Anneli, our demo expert puts explosives into the door.

"Blowing it!"Anneli says after everyone clears up, pressing the trigger to the detonator, blowing the door.

As the large door explodes into pieces my group moves in and clears the room of the soldiers, but I also had an idea in mind. As the rest of the soldiers and Queen Tanne confront Elderon. I planted explosives where soldiers might surround us as I started to have a bad feeling about our setting. Anneli also helps us and regroups with the rest.

"Eliza, it is truly good to see you again," Elderon says.

"Cut the bullshit Elderon, I told you to take care of this kingdom and you ruined it! You summoned innocent children to fight for you! You left the family of your own accord and left your daughter without a father figure in her life!"

"The only reason I wedded you is for power! I don't care about my family, I want power! And if you're going to get in my way, so be it," he takes out a sword and Eliza does the same.

Just as planned, royal guards surrounded the balconies of the palace. Anneli and I smirked as she hit the button, causing the entire balcony to explode, causing the soldiers to either die of the explosion or be knocked out by it. It was now Elize versus Elderon.

The two circled each other waiting for their first attack. Elderon smirks as Eliza looks at him with anger and disgust. As the two circles once more, Elderon comes to attack Eliza, but she is able to block his attack. The two continued to clash and counter one another, but Elderon had something up his sleeve. As he thrust towards Eliza, she blocked, then took out a dagger behind her back. I thought she was going to lose. As Elderon thrust the dagger at her with much force, she held her hand out and caught the dagger, using magic to destroy the dagger and swiping Elderon's sword out of his hand, pointing her blade down to his neck. It was over. 

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