Chapter 9: Troubled

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We were told to liberate a small camp of Irelians near the lake that was near the woods of Gargolas and they were acting suspiciously. So we set out to capture and interrogate with cleanliness and no deaths. In case of suspicion, we were told to wear some of their soldier's armor. They were a prototype from the lab deep underground. It was weird at first, but we thought it fit well with us. It was a red dress shirt with a black blazer with pants and shoes to make a formal-looking fit. We were then handed a black cloak and a mask that looked like an oni. For armor, we dawned black knee and shin, shoulder, elbow, chest, and some parts of our cloaks were spiked at the edges. I had a proper eye patch as well. We even had gauntlets as gloves.

"I have to say, your majesty, the lab team really did good on the design," Umi says.

"I love this," Rii says, but she starts to glow. After a while, the red turned to blue and the black turned into white. Umi's cloak started to change as well. It started to match the pattern of her tail. It turned white with grey dots all around. Kiara started turning grey on black, then white on red. Mine didn't change.

"How come mine didn't change?" I asked.

"Red and black are the colors that are true to you Clover. Each suite has its own special abilities that tone into the wearer, for example, color. The suit would act like an Exo suit so your strength, stealth, and movement is 10 times better than your original stats."

"I see, well, let's go," I say putting my hood and mask on.

As we took horses, we reached across the woods and came near the camp. It was near midnight so our detection rate was low. The group of soldiers seemed to just be having dinner. There were a group of 9. It seemed to be nothing but a patrol. They seemed lower than the guards back at Irelia. They had swords instead of rifles, and their armor seemed more open and flexible compared to the heavily armed Irelian army except one of them. He seemed familiar to me for some reason, but I shrugged it off.

Two of the soldiers were out on watch as the others laughed and talked. We decided to take those two out, knocking them out in the process. We then hid them under the bush and waited for the rest to come out. Soon, they noticed that they were gone and one more came out of the camp. Four were out in total. It was time to subtract.

After taking out the soldiers, it was just the captain. I decided to talk to him myself. Over time I have learned to change the tone of my voice, thanks to the demon inside that I ate back then. After tying him up with haywire, I started to smile behind the mask and chuckle.

"What the?" He looks around and notices the direction of the string. "Haywire." He looks in my direction and I walk out of the flame.

"Clover?" he asks.

"Who's Clover?" I ask back.

"He was the Hero of Haywire, some of his friends say he's alive," he says. "How do you have one of the Sacred Weapons?"

"It's because Clover is dead."

"You're bluffing! Show me your face!" he demands.

"Then seeing your death is the last thing you'll see," I say uncovering my hood and my hair changes white as the sight of my horns arise from the shadows.

"No, it can't be...You demon!"

"Now, tell me before I finish your life. What are you doing in Gargolas?"

"I'll never tell you! I'd rather die!"

"So be it," I snap my fingers and Umi comes out with her bell. Putting the bell closer to him, she rings it. It started to make him wheezy.

"So, why are you and your men here?"

"We....we were sent by Elderon to scout a plan to siege the kingdom."


"To show that we are the better kingdom and betraying Elderon was the worst mistake the Queen could make."

"How many of your men are coming?"

"About fifty thousand," he says.

"Thank you for letting me know, Umi, erase his and the memory of the others."

"Yes, Master."

As Umi does that, we set everyone back to sleep as we move the rest into their horses and move them back to Irelia. We then found a piece of paper that shows that they were sent to get me for their urgent help. The group was fighting a group of monsters until a demon lord came in and started to almost massacre the team.

"Clover, are you going to them?"

"Yeah, Kiara, tell your mother the information and where we will be going," I say as she nods in response, getting her radio. I sigh, "Let's go save some people." 

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