Chapter 12: Gargolas

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We soon made it to Gargolas and headed towards the barracks to change into our normal clothes before we headed towards Queen Tanne. "Ah, young Clover, it's good to see you back, Kiara, good to see you are doing well too. I have gotten the news and," Queen Tanne says, "oh, you've also gotten a prisoner from your old group."

A group of maids started to help us with our clothing as we changed to our normal clothing. "Objection your majesty, although you are correct from the group, she is no prisoner. This is my older sister, Yuki Imzaisumi."

"I see, I apologize for my misunderstanding."

"None taken," Yuki giggles.

"I assume this is for interrogation."

"None is needed, all information was already given, Mother," Kiara says.

"Good, what information do we have so far about the enemy forces along with the information from their commander?"

Yuki stands up. "Yes, we have more than 500,000 troops in general. Most of them are footmen. The rest of the heroes are there and we were planning to split into the forest."

"Good, now follow me, I have a plan for this operation." We followed Queen Tanne into a lower level of the palace. It was well built like an underground lab. There were plenty of soldiers from recruits to the highest in command. "You see, I have a little thing against getting blood on my soil, so I'd like to get them down to the depths of hell."

As we continued walking through, she started to change into a different outfit. I couldn't see until the end due to Umi covering my eyes during the process...What a bummer that kinda was. We then entered a room, we were greeted by a large rectangle table in the middle of the room. Around the room, there were soldiers that looked similar to the soldiers from our world. They wore lightweight armor, BDU and they seemed to have night vision, all tainted in black. Similar to Queen Tanne's outfit she was just wearing. Each one of them is equipped with some sort of rifle, or smg with a pistol than with a katana or a rapier.

"Hey, Clover, don't you think they look like soldiers from our homeworld?"

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

"This is my royal special force. These men execute anti-terrorist and anti-anything really. Just do something that's against the code of Gargolas, then you'll be waking up in hell," Queen Tanne says.

"Basically, just don't mess with Gargolas. We have many allies that will back us up if we are in trouble," Umi says.

One of the soldiers walks up and removes their hood, revealing a young woman with short white hair and scars near her eyes. She was almost my height and she looked like she has years of experience. She stands firm and says, "I am Rebekka Poge, leading Sergeant of this group. It is indeed an honor to meet all of you."

"Pleasure's all mine," I say, shaking her hand.

"So what's this for?" Yuki asks.

"I will send you guys and some of my team to take out the scouting soldiers that cross the territory. Within the forest in front of the kingdom is where I hope to say that they are there. I want you to take out all the camps and weaken their numbers. If you get caught, that will be fine and at the earliest of the morning and I want you guys to move out. I will be joining you in this operation as well. I just want a little fun. Rebekka, get them suited up"

"Yes your majesty," we all say.


As we all spread around the room, Rebekka led us to their armory. We had to stick with the rest of the group to blend in and make them confused. The suit was fitting for me. We all then put on black cloaks and a pair of their night vision goggles. It was what they called "spider eyes." It looked like the same ones in our world and yet I'm still fascinated in how they were able to get this technology.

"If I were you, I'd stay around here, get familiar with the team," Rebekka says.

"Sure, I don't mind."

"Now come, let's go and eat some dinner, we got a plentiful amount of food choices to fill you and your squad."

"Right." We soon ate with the entire platoon. They were kind, filled with color. Each person was unique in their own way and where they were from. It didn't' take a while until our time to go was up.

As the clock struck 3, we were called up to move into the enemy. We hopped over the walls and into the woods.

"Alright ladies, gentleman, and demi-humans, you remember the plan, and we'll do it swiftly," Rebekka says on the radio. "Rii, what's the view up top?"

"I'm spotting 100 tents grouped up each carrying at least 50 soldiers."

"Good, each group split into 4 and took out the groups."

"Yuki, Clover, Umi, I also spotted the heroes Northwest of your location."


Dashing through the groups, slashes of knives, and the sound of suppressed fire, each camp was cleared. These guys are truly serious. We then hit the treetops of the trees around their camp. Jack, Axel, and Ivy were on watch. After gathering so much power, that'll be a breeze.

I used Haywire to string me down like a spider in the middle of the three. I changed my voice again as I did before to a deeper tone. "Ah, the heroes of Edleron, what are they doing here in Gargolas?"

Ivy points her halberd at me, "Who are we to tell you? You are the enemy here."

"Am I? Or are you just a pawn in someone's game?"

"Nonsense!" She swung at me, but I was able to dodge. Jack then tried to take me on, but I was able to jump over him and tap his pressure point, knocking him out in the process. "Axel, wake the others up!" Just as Axel is about to head into the tents, Umi pops up right in front of him and flicks his forehead, knocking him out.

As Ivy swung at me again, I dodged in lighting speeds and appeared behind her, and gave her a hard blow. Knowing her strength just a tap wouldn't knock her out. Luckily, it wasn't enough to kill her. As Rii swoops down, we load the rest that was knocked out and run back to the palace.

Hours later, the rest soon woke up, their armor was stripped and they were all locked in cells within the dungeon under the palace. They were all confused, angered, and sad. I just stood there looking at them begging for mercy, for their lives like they were going to die. I then started laughing. Laughing harder than I had in a long time.

"Hey, why are you laughing!?" Hunter says.

"Are you going to kill us?" Katsumi asks, tearing up.

"Let us go you bastard!" Kiko says.

"Silence you dunces!" I yell. The room stayed silent. I walked toward Ms. Kazumi's cell and took off my mask.

"Clover?" she asks. "No...Don't tell me, you're one of them now."

"I'm sorry dear teacher, but I have been," I showed a ring that I had converted from my black and red Damascus tag from adventuring."

"But why?"

I stayed silent.

"Answer me!"

"It's because you are the enemy," Queen Tanne says, removing her mask.

"Who are you?"

"I am Queen Tanne. Queen of Gargolas and you all are deceived by Elderon."


Tanne then told the rest of the group the story. They felt touched and angered that they trusted one that truly did evil. They did not expect to learn the entire truth.

"Now my daughter Kiara, is paired with your student."

My eyes twitched open, "Wait, your majesty, that's not part of the story!"

"Did I say that wrong? I meant acquaintance."

"Okay..." I sigh.

"Moving on, I want each one of you to join me or receive the great gift of death under Clover's hand."

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