You Won't Stab Me

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   Both parties are silent for a minute, staring each other down. The tension in the air is hefty, and the weirdest part is no one is even noticing the suicidal socialite threatening to stab the poor artist. . .Although, to be fair, everyone is having their supper right now, so why would they?

Finally, Hinata dips his head slightly. "You won't stab me."

Komaeda's gaze is piercing, challenging. "Why is that?"

"You don't strike me as the kind of person who would, that's all. I have a gut feeling, you see."

Hinata takes a single step closer to him. "Furthermore, you won't stab yourself."

Komaeda tightens his grip on the handle. "Why?"

Hinata smiles knowingly. "If you truly wanted to die, you would have just done it. You're still out of reach to me, so as of now, I can't stop you, right?" Another step closer, "But you won't do it. You are not that kind of person," He shrugs, "Or maybe you are. I don't know you well enough. I don't know you at all. But I implore you not to do it."

Komaeda's gaze is wild. "You're distracting me; go away!"

"Certainly. Just drop the dagger and step away from the edge."

The white-haired boy glowers at him as Hinata takes another step closer and then another. "Otherwise, I can't leave. I'm involved," He extends a hand, "So could you give me that blade and let me off the hook?"

"How are you so calm?!" Komaeda hisses, "It's freaking me out."

"Seeing you with a dagger to your heart freaks me out," Hinata's features soften, "Please give it to me."

Komaeda's gaze is uncertain, glancing back and forth between Hinata and the dagger. Finally, his shaking hand reaches out and drops the blade in his outstretched palm. Hajime lets out an enormous sigh of relief, curling his fingers around it.

"I'm Hinata Hajime."

". . .Komaeda Nagito."

"Is this dagger important, or have any significance to you?"

Komaeda shakes his head. Hinata snorts lightly and chucks it into the ocean. Both of them watch it disappear.

"You better not be thinking of going in after it," Hinata warns.

"Well, not now," He sniffs, "Thank you for your consideration, Mr. Hinata. Please excuse me."

Komaeda brushes past him but doesn't get very far before Hinata reaches out and grabs his wrist, eyes conflicted.

". . .How do I know you won't do it again?" He mumbles.

Komaeda turns around, sizing Hinata up. "What do you care?"

"I told you, I'm involved now. I would like to see you again, Nagito."

"That is not the best idea."

Hinata rolls his eyes. "I just want to ensure you're alive. That's all it is. Can you meet me here first thing in the morning?"

"Should've just let me stab myself and kicked my body over the side," He mutters before speaking louder, "Very well. I shall comply with you, Mr. Hinata. I will meet you here tomo-"


Both of them turn at the sound of the voice.

A girl with peach-coloured hair pulled back in a bun, and a flowy white dress is hurrying towards them. She grabs his wrists and pulls him into a tight hug. "I'm glad you're okay!"

April 14, 1912Where stories live. Discover now