The Ship Will Sink

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(If you were forced to choose, who should die?)

They assumed it was just something wrong with the engine and continued with their conversation. It turns out, Hinata had quite a few plans for his future he's eager to involve Komaeda in. Sonia continues to beg Nanami to join them, and no one knows what the fuck happened to Soda. 

This carried on for a while before there was finally a knock on the door. Hinata hauls himself off of the bed and pulls it open, ready to complain about being disturbed late at night.

Miss Tojo, the maid that has come to their door, is wearing a white life vest, shocking and silencing Hinata.

He swallows. "Yes, what is it?" He manages to ask.

"All guests are required to go to the upper deck immediately. Captain's orders."

She turns and heads to the next door before he can get in another word. Hinata turns towards the others in the room who watched that whole quick scene.

"I. . .I guess we should go? If it's the Captain's orders, then it must be important, right?"

The other three stand up. Sonia grabs her shawl and her backup shawl, tossing the other towards Nanami. Hinata holds his hand out to a worried-looking Komaeda and takes it. Komaeda lets out a shaky sigh, and Hinata squeezes his hand.

"I'm sure it's nothing. Probably some sort of drill or a small fire or something. Nothing to worry about." He murmurs.

Komaeda nods. "Y-Yes, of course."

The four of them venture out into the hall, where many others are starting to make their way upstairs.

The musicians are playing violin softly in the corner as a bunch of people are crowded all over the deck. It's chilly, cold wind blowing in from the windows.

Nanami grumbles and leans into Komaeda, who drapes his arm around her. Sonia and Hinata exchange identical jealous looks before Hinata recalls they've been best friends since childhood, and it's not weird to be comforting each other.

He nods at the blonde, who sighs and relaxes.

"I'm cold. . ," Nanami mumbles into Komaeda's chest, "And sleepy."

He strokes her hair. "I'm sure it won't be much longer."

Hinata grits his teeth and turns away. Komaeda reaches out with his free hand and grabs Hinata's, squeezing it.

"Seriously, where is Kazuichi?" Sonia wonders.

Hinata shrugs. "Who cares? We'll see him later."

"Maybe we should find my mother. She's probably waiting for us." Komaeda suggests half-heartedly. He really doesn't sound like he means it.

"I'm sure she's fine. She probably doesn't care. Plus, she's mean."

Nanami puts all of her weight on Komaeda and shuts her eyes. He immediately lets go of Hinata to hold his friend up by the waist.

"Such a fuss going on here," Hinata mutters, "What the hell is going on? Maybe it has something to do with that mini-earthquake from earlier. . ."

"Maybe the ship hit something?" Sonia wonders.

"Okay, so the ship gets a bit of a scratch, and we're all up here? No, this has got to be more serious if they're disturbing the First Class so late at night." The brunet huffs.

"Perhaps there is a hole in the ship. And it is going to sink."

"But I heard God Himself could not sink this ship? Maybe there's a fire?"

April 14, 1912Where stories live. Discover now