Know When To Walk Away, Know When To Run

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   Enoshima smiles and brandishes her little dagger, prompting a low groan from the bloody prisoner. 

   She raises it high above her head, but before she can bring it down, the door bursts open, startling Enoshima and causing her to drop her weapon. Both of them look towards the door where the black-haired girl from earlier-Ikusaba Mukuro-is leaning in.

   "Um, Sis?"

   "What? Can't you see I'm busy here?"

   Ikusaba sighs and enters the room. "I know, but we've got bigger problems. In about an hour, hour and a bit, this ship is going to be at the bottom of the ocean."

   Enoshima snorts. "Oh, please. This is the Titanic we're talking about! It's not going anywhere."

   Komaeda sighs and relaxes against the wall a little.

   "Actually, I asked around. . .and it's true. We need to go and get on a lifeboat now!"

   Junko pouts and stamps her foot. "But I'm not done having my fun yet!" She whines.

   "I know. Don't worry; you can leave him here to bleed out and die slowly by drowning. Wouldn't that be far more fun?"

   Junko bites her lip, glancing between Ikusaba and Komaeda for a moment before groaning. "Fine. Fine! But this ship better fucking be going down." 

   She struts across the room to stand next to her sister, throwing one last glance at the bloody Komaeda. "Have fun drowning to death, Nagito!~" She trills.

   "I thought I told you not to call me by my first name," Komaeda mutters.

   Enoshima sticks her tongue out at him before taking Ikusaba by the arm and hurrying out of the room and back down the hall, leaving the door wide open.

   The fluffy-haired socialite sighs again, pulling against his restraints with all of his remaining strength but getting nowhere. He's completely stuck.

   "Help!" He calls out, "Hey, I'm stuck here! Chiaki? Hajime? Anyone?"

   . . .

      . . .

         . . .

   It's no use. He's getting nowhere like this.

   He groans, tugging at his restraints again. Just like before, they hold steady.

   "Hajime?! Anyone?! Please, I'm down here!"

   Still nothing.

   "Damn it; this is hopeless."

   Komaeda glances around the room, taking in his surroundings, trying to see if there's any way he can get himself out of here with (there isn't.). 

   He stamps his foot, frustrated. "Damn it!"


   Hinata sprints down the halls, passing more staterooms and frantic passengers racing past him. He rounds the corner and skitters to a stop, examining the door that leads to the secret passage he and Komaeda examined earlier. 

   'He couldn't possibly. . .could he?'

   He tries the doorknob, surprised to find it unlocked. He pushes the door open and hurries down the stairs.

   "Komaeda?" Hinata calls, "Nagito? Nagito! Are you down here? Nagito!"

   The fluffy-haired boy perks up as he hears a faint voice that sounds like it's calling his name. "Hello? Hajime!"

April 14, 1912Where stories live. Discover now