I'm So Fancy

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 "So, you met that boy's friends?" Nanami asks as she and her fiancé walk along the deck.

Komaeda smiles like a proud mama hen. "They're all super great, commoner people. I actually told them about you, and they want to meet you. I offered to bring you by today. Would that be acceptable?"

Nanami thinks for a second. ". . .Yes, if you promise they're nice people. And I do like Mr. Hinata. We can go now if you'd like, and they aren't currently occupied."

Komaeda lights up. "Oh, they would love that! And they have the most darling little stateroom, and you wouldn't believe it. You have got to see it."


Komaeda offers her his arm, and she accepts it. "Wonderful. They're probably still there, honestly. Shall we?"

She grins. "We shall."


Hinata bites his fingers nervously as he glares down at his cards. Why did they bet money on this game?

A knock on the door snaps him out of his panic. "Oh, thank God. . .I mean, oh, someone's at the door!"

He hops off of the bunk and trots over to the door. "Nagito! And Chiaki!"

Komaeda smiles politely. "It's nice to see you again, Mr. Hina-Hajime. Are you excited for tonight?"

Hinata nods. "Yeah, the party after going to literal hell will be great. Nice to see you again too, Chiaki."

She smiles warmly. "Likewise. May we come in?"

"Of course!"

The brunet steps off to the side, allowing the two to step inside. "Um, these are Sonia Nevermind and Soda Kazuichi. Guys, this is Nanami Chiaki." He says, sweeping his arm out awkwardly.

Sonia looks up from her cards at Nanami, and everyone in the room could swear her eyes sparkle. The peach-haired girl staring back's eyes widen, watching as Sonia slowly climbs to her feet.

The blonde extends a hand to the socialite, and Nanami takes it. Sonia gently kisses the top of her hand, and Nanami blushes.

Soda rolls his eyes. "Lame. Lamer than lame sauce. Hmm, lame sauce, would that be good? Whatever."

"Well, it's lovely to meet you," Nanami says.

"You too."

"Dude, she's cute." Soda mutters, and Hinata smacks him. "What? You're into Nagito; I can be into the other one!"

Komaeda pretends not to hear that comment but ultimately fails when he blushes slightly.

"And besides, she's clearly hitting it off with Sonia, dumbass. And weren't you into Sonia up into just two seconds ago?"

"Anyways," Sonia turns to look back at them, "Hajime, you should go with Nagito now and find something to wear for tonight! The evening is fast approaching, after all."

Hinata groans. "Oh, please, I really don't want to wear a suit-"

"Nonsense," Komaeda interrupts, "We'll get you a tux."

The fluffy-haired one grabs Hinata's wrist and tugs him out the door.

"I really don't think I would look good in a tux."

"No, I think you would be so handsome in a lovely outfit like that. Don't be so hard on yourself."


April 14, 1912Where stories live. Discover now