Enoshima's Proposal

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   (Here's a playlist for this fic. If you can't get anywhere with the link, it's titled 'April 14' on Spotify under the username 'Preppycat.'    https://open.spotify.com/playlist/22H90U86dRENcII5YomipM?si=c45b7d82e66845de )

   "Forgive me for asking, but why are you in such a good mood this morning, Mr. Komaeda?" Miss Tojo asks, straightening out the covers on his bed. Komaeda stands in the corner, buttoning up his jacket for morning chapel.

   "I just had a good time last night, that's all." He answers.

   Miss Tojo nods. "I am glad to hear so."

   "Was your night enjoyable as well?" He asks politely.

    "I got to retire for the evening early, so yes, it was rather lovely. Thank you so much for asking."

   There is a firm knock on the door, which is open immediately. Mrs. Komaeda comes barging in with a furious look on her face.

   "Kirumi, leave. Now." She orders.

   Miss Tojo dips her head slightly before taking her leave, pulling the door shut behind her.

   Komaeda sighs. "Good morning, Mother. Is something the matter?"

   She ignores this and instead says, "Tomoe saw you and that commoner boy at some lower-class party below the deck last night."

   "That's right. Mr. Hinata invited me! It was very amusing and exciting. You should have been there, Mother."

   She huffs, walking over to him and finishing doing up the buttons herself. "Well, I hope you enjoyed it while you could because that was the first and last time you ever do anything like that," She grits her teeth, "After your father, you know our family is on very thin ice. We do not need you screwing this up."

   ". . .I know, Mother. I apologize; I got a little carried away."

   She sighs and pauses, looking her son in the eyes. "I know you're a good person, Nagito, and I know you want to be friends with everyone, even those lower than you! But mixing classes isn't good, and that lower-class boy is no good."

   Komaeda looks away. ". . .I know."

   "Look at me, dear," Mrs. Komaeda gently moves Komaeda's chin so that he's looking at her again, "You must be proper. And a marriage like this will help resolve the debts your father left on our shoulders. I understand it's a tough burden to bear, but at least you get to marry your dearest friend. We're lucky marrying into the Nanami family will help us. So hold your head high and be a good boy. You're the man of our family now."

   "Just remind me why this is my responsibility?" 

   "It is this, or we become lower than the low, you know this. I'd become. . .some seamstress or whore on the street. . .and who knows what would happen to you?! . . .This is just the way things are for people in situations like this. It's just the way things are, yes?"

   Komaeda nods solemnly. "Yes, of course."

   Mrs. Komaeda smiles. "Good. Now let us hurry; I hear the Titantic has a rather lovely Sunday chapel service. We wouldn't want to be late."

   ". . .Of course."


   About halfway to the chapel, they run into Enoshima Junko.

   Mrs. Komaeda's face lights up in delight. "Miss Enoshima, how marvellous to see you again!"

   The strawberry-blonde's grin is sickly sweet. "Likewise, Mrs. Komaeda. And Naggy-waggy, good to see you again!"

April 14, 1912Where stories live. Discover now