Real Life Angel #30 : Creation

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Real Life Angel #30 : Creation

Written for Martina

It's amazing how she takes time

Out of her time away

To talk to me about what's going on

Even through an apparent ruined mood

She takes things on the brighter uptake

I find it so calming so soothing

To see how she experiences those things

I've missed for so long

I'm no jealous man

No unjustified zealous rage

I am happy for her

Enjoy hearing how she's liking things

Only hoping it gets better and better

She and I, we're alike

She's taken purpose in what she's doing

Action-reaction- emotion

Taking the flowing currents

That are this world

Turning that into


The wind it takes a journey through time

Nostalgia triggers a memmory

In the green foothills I'm lost

As the wind's journey is my song

Written for her

so long ago

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