Real Life Angel #31 : Inspired

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Real Life Angel #31 : Inspired

Written for Martina

Through her gentle persuasion

I've found inspiration

To speak of a muze is unworthy

The term itself is but a farce

No this girl has done something for me

That can only be accredited to the beauty of her being

Her dark long hair

A friendly smile

The soft sweet voice

Carried by the social air

That air is not from baloons

No surely it's drawn from honor and pride

As she opens up her wings

Weaker souls come to hide

Her mind surpasses that

Of the average thinker

As she draws on-par

With those who deem themselves wiser

Her angelic voice rings through the air

As serenity nears the bay

I find myself now purely buoyed

By the fact that I have faith

The overwhelming stupour

That comes with growing emotions

Is that one can't ever see them


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