CH- 16 Season Of Love

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This boy never makes me proud of his deeds he only knows how to make me disappointed, how I wish he was like his big brother. Here he stands again with his head low asking for my leniency as he broke Our Principles.

"What u did time?" Asks my brother

"I thought I would be able to control her mind but it came out to be wrong"
He explains with his head still hanging down.

"We know what u committed, U FOOL!!" I yelled at him, I love him the most but he always brings down me to earth.

"Come down brother," my brother says looking at me

"Why were u sent to the earth?" I ask him but he doesn't answer and continue to stare at the floor

"I asked why u were sent on the earth?" Every member of our family present in the hall gawks at him.


"To bring her back" he looked up straight into my eyes

"And what u did?"

"I failed dad" Lucas had tears in his eyes

"You were born to bring here back not to..." I didn't complete my words as I want to hear them from him

"You were sent on the earth from your childhood to win her back but what you did instead, huh? Would you like to tell?"

I got up from my throne


"Just tell us already Lucas there is no explanation for what you did, we told you not to do that from your boyhood but look, you end up doing the thing I was afraid of"

I can hear everyone whispering to each other but I don't care for any of that, I only care for Lucas who is in...(sigh)

"I'm in Love With Y/n but that's not something I can control, dad. It's an emotion. A true emotion.

He says with a slight smile on his face, all the family members gasped listening to him. Is he so proud to say that? It's making my blood boil. He is my son but I feel to kill him rn, he doesn't stop here but continued to speak.

"Dad I don't want to bring her here because I know she is only going to suffer here as u all just care about the power."

"Lucas!" I warn him yet he didn't stop and speaks with more confidence

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