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It's a teaser of my new OS which I will publish soon if you like the teaser.

On a night, a mansion had shown where darkness was all around. The light of the moon entered the room where a couple was lost in their world. They heard a knock on the door and looked there then they looked at each other and their eyelock soon the tears fills in their eyes. The man was about to get up but the girl holds his arm. Man looks at her.

Girl: please don't go.

Man looks at her and said sternly.

Man: I have to go they are my family.

The girl looks at him. Then the door closed and Girl looks at the door and her eyes filled with tears she thinks.

The next day, she was standing in front of the mirror and saw her things which are proof that she belongs to that man. She picks a box and looks at it then she looks at herself in the mirror and the image of her gets blurred.

A man was sitting in the corner of the room by the wall and his eyes were closed, a tear falls from his eyes.

So, here is the teaser hope you like it and please tell me I should write it and not.

I know it's been so long I did not update any story and sorry for that as I don't have time but soon I will resume writing stories as my test is in few days.

Thank you.

Short Stories of AvNeil जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें