Broken soul part two

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It was the time of the sunset, a jeep was moving at high speed to its destination, Neil was driving it, he runs the hand in his hair and speed up the car. Soon, the car stopped outside a huge building. Hospital's name was mocked on it. Neil immediately gets down from the car and runs. Neil was running in the corridor he saw the constable outside the room and ICU was written above the room. Neil just went inside the room and stopped to see the view in front of him. DD, doctor and nurse were standing and talking.

Neil's eyes were at Avni who was laying unconsciously on the bed, oxygen mask and other wires were connected to her. Her face had bruises and a bandage was on her head and wrist.

Doctor: a lot of blood has been lost. Because of blood loss and trauma, she is in a coma.

Neil was shocked to hear that. DD gets angry he did not know, Neil is standing behind him, he just wants Avni all fine at her feet that's it.

DD: if blood has been lost then transmit it what are you waiting for. I am ready to give my blood, our blood group is the same, she gave me her blood when I was shot. You can take my blood.

Doctor: we have blood and we tried our best and still trying but the thing that happened to her is not a small thing. She is in a coma because of trauma. That man first rape her then he tried to kill her, he cut her wrist.

Neil looked at the Doctor in shock and his eyes filled with tears. He clenched his fist and was shivering in anger.

Doctor: she had gone through a lot. We also want to see her fine but some things are not in our hands we can try only. Just pray for her she needs them.

The doctor tapped his shoulder. The doctor looked at Neil who was looking at Avni. The doctor goes to him but Neil looked at him then he looked at Avni and signed him to go by looking at Avni and passed by him. DD turns and saw Neil. He cries. Tears were in Neil's eyes.

DD: sir.

Neil takes a few steps and stands near DD. His eyes were stuck at Avni and were moist.

DD: Sir, I got late. I could not save her.

Neil clenched his fist and asked by grinning his teeth: how did this happen?

Neil failed to control his emotions.

Neil roared: who did this?

DD: Sir, I went to her home but it was locked from outside. I already had talked to Ali and he said he did not meet her since yesterday. Then I traced her location and got to know that she is in the XYZ area then...

DD narrates everything. Neil clenched his fist he was shivering and his eyes were red because of anger.

DD: And when we entered we saw...

DD stopped and Neil closed his eyes neither he had the strength to hear more nor he needs that, he understood.

Neil: did you see the person? Whose godown was that?

DD: sir, it was Vidyut Pandit's godown and we also saw his man running from there when we reached there. Our officers went to catch him but he escaped.

Neil: damn.

DD: I am sure it is Vidyut's work he had threatened Avni even he attacked her once.

Neil: I want him in my custody in 24 hours by hook or by crook.

DD: it will, sir.

DD looked at Avni and goes. Neil comes to Avni and looked at her. He saw the marks on her neck and face. Neil recalled her words.

Avni: means no one is there.


Avni: You don't love me fine but don't stop me. I promise the day, you get the love of your life, I will move away from your life.

Short Stories of AvNeil जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें