Chapter Nineteen: 'I Swear She Was A Rash Of Some Sort In A Previous Life.'

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WAHEY GUISE! So here is a chappie for you to say thanks. It sucks, but that's because there's DRAMAAAAAA coming! Yay for drama! Anyway, I hope you enjoy it (even if only a little bit)

P.S Did Louis dye his hair? Like how? Did he use Ghana's medicinal herbs or? Lulz. Looks like the same colour it was when he had mushroom hair at the beginning of X Factor. I LOVE IT. nom nom nom.


Elle xxxx


*Cassie's POV*

I smiled as I shut my bedroom door.

I can't believe it.


I can't even speak properly. I'm not even lying. My mom asked me how my day was and all I said was "hjdgvjisdvbjkdbv" needless to say she's checked me into speech therapy.

I threw my bag to the floor as I slow motion danced around my room on the way to my computer chair.

As soon as my computer was ready to go I clicked on the Skype icon, to find the person I was looking for. I was about to click dial, when suddenly someone was calling me.

I accepted the call and placed a creepy smile on my face.

'JESUS CHRIST!' Louis yelled as he saw my face.

'I'VE BEEN EXPECTING YOU.' I said, stroking my left hand.

'You literally scared the pee out of me.' Lou said seriously.

'Sorry, It's just I was about to call you, but then you called me, so I this.' I said, before pulling the same creeper smile.

'Lemme try. Call me!' He said, before hanging up.

What a diva.

I clicked call on Louis contact, and waited for him to pick up.

Suddenly, my screen lit up with an extremely creepy face.

'Okay, I see what you mean. I am never doing that again.' I stated, eyes wide as I grimaced.

'So, how was your date with Roberto?' Louis asked, winking and trying to nudge the computer.

'WHO TOLD YOU?' I yelled.

'Liam, obviously. He tells me everything... I'm like his human diary...or his therapist. Whichever sounds cooler?' He stated.

'Human diary!' We both said at the same time, causing us to laugh.

'So, Mrs Payne, I heard you've got yourself a man.' He said, grinning.

'So Mrs Styles, how did you find that out?' I shot back.

'Ooh, playing the Larry card, that's cruel.' He said, shaking his head.

'Who's Larry?' I asked, throwing him off my scent.

It sounds like he's a dog. I AM THE MASTER.

'Oh, just a bromance the fans created between Harry and I. Which by the way is JUST friendship. In case you wanted to know.

'Damn it, you'd made a great couple.' I grinned.

'Anyway, Liam told me everything that happened. And by everything... I mean EVERYTHING. That boy loves sharing details. Cassie Walker I thought I raised you better.' Louis said, shaking his head.

'All we did was kiss!' I protested.

'EXACTLY. Here I am, thinking you were innocent. I was proven wrong. I'm disappointed in you young lady. Go to your room.' He said.

The Accidental Skype Call (EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now