Chapter Fifteen: 'SANTA IS THAT YOU?'

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MOTHER FLUFFER! I don't know what happened! My chappie 15 was there... and then it wasn't. IT'S THE GHOST OF ABRAHAM LINCOLN I TELL YOU! Okay anyway, let's try this again...lolol lucky I save all my work to my computer cause otherwise I'd be screwed. OH and if you commented before the chappie got deleted, PLEASE COMMENT AGAIN! Like repeat exactly what you said! Pretty please!

Authors Note 2.0 lolol

Helloooooo! So I'm sorry for the late updating. Holidays will be the death of me. You know how tough it is having a social life? ANYWAY! So here is Chapter Number...Jesus I've forgotten. I keep doing this.

Chapter Fifteen!

Love you

Elle xxxxx


*Louis' POV*

Thank you for staying with me tonight, Boo.' Harry said.

'You're welcome Hazza, and sorry for forgetting about our movie night, I'm a horrible best friend!' I said, my hand playing with his curls.

'No you're not, I promise.' Harry said, smiling warmly at me.

Suddenly the front door closed and loud footsteps heading up the stairs echoed throughout the room.

Liam must be home. I wonder how dinner went.

'Be right back Hazza.' I said, smiling before heading up to Liam's bedroom.

'Li?' I asked as I knocked on the door.

'Oh hey Lou, how was the movie evening?' Liam asked, smiling.

'Great, I had a lovely time. It's actually still going. We party hard. Bambi just makes us go wild you know. How was dinner?' I said, making Liam chuckle.

'Great! She was confused at first as to why I was there and not you, but I cleared it all up and we had lots of fun!' Liam said, smiling.

'Cool, I'm glad. Thank you for doing this Li!' I said, pulling him in for a hug, to which he responded by hugging me back.

'Anytime!' He said sweetly.

'Well I best be getting back to Haz.' I said to him before walking out of his room and back down to Harry.

Why do I feel like Liam's hiding something from me?

Ah this is Liam, he's the most non-secretive person alive, obviously I'm off my rocker.

Then again, I always was. Cue fist pump.

*Harry's POV*

Bambi gets me every time.

*Liam's POV*

That was close. Too close.

Far too close.

Far FAR too close.

Far far FAR too close.

Far far f- I should probably stop doing that now.

*Cassie's POV*

'Mom! I'm home!' I yelled shakily to the house.

'Oh hey love, I thought I was supposed to fetch you?' My mom asked, smiling.

'I asked my friend for a lift home.' I said, dreamily to her.

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