Chapter Six

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I woke up that morning (or afternoon really) with a note next to my bed, and a really blocked nose.

So blocked in fact, that it felt like someone had stuck a marble up each nostril - which probably sounds as gross as I feel.


I came to wake you up for school, but you have a high temperature, so I left you. There's a glass of water and medicine on the kitchen counter waiting for you, whenever you're ready. If you're hungry, there's chicken soup mix in the cupboard, just add boiling water. Try to stay in bed and don't burn down the house.

Love you, feel better.

Mom xx

I, surprisingly, managed to get through the whole note, before sneezing all over it and smudging the writing. Beautiful.

How did I even get sick? It's especially strange because I was perfectly fine last night.

I couldn't have done anything to get sick, I didn't go anywhere, I just stayed at home and ate pizza.



I bet it was that emotionless rock of a pizza guy. He probably spread his germs all over it when I wasn't looking. Cheese pizza, you mean sneeze pizza, more like it.

I pushed myself up, but a wave vertigo hit me and I fell straight back onto my bed. Kind of like when I try do sit ups - my body tries but I always end up lying back down again.

Just as I was about to attempt another bed escape mission, my phone beeps, signalling I have a text.

Hey Cass, are you okay?

Got the flu - blocked nose, dizziness, the works. Am I missing much?

Not that I care to be honest. Missing work is the least of my worries. My biggest worry at the moment is getting out of bed.

I have to say, not being able to get out of bed is something I never thought would be a problem, especially because my childhood dream was to be a professional sleeper.

Aww, get better Cass! Nope, Mr Lewis fell off his chair today, but that's about it.

One day off school and I've already missed the opportunity to make fun of the meanest teacher in the school. Today is just not my day.

Really? Did you film it?

This is me we're talking about, of course I filmed it. Bell just rang, lesson time. Miss you. Feel better. Love you xx

I pull myself upright, slowly making my way out of bed and into standing position.

'AND SHE STICKS THE LANDING!' I yell, as if I were a gymnast and I had just done a backflip.

Slowly, looking more like an elderly old woman than a sixteen year old girl, I manage to make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, where the medicine and water were waiting for me.

Bless my mother for preparing medicine. If I'd had to do it myself I would've probably ending up taking the wrong thing. Like a laxative.

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