#18 New Rules?

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I had no idea James can cook this well, the smashing burger was so good. I had 2 servings which I blame the twins. All this while when he hang out at my apartment, he always made me cook while he'll do the dishes.

Tonight he cooked and is now doing the dishes. While he's at it, I roam around his apartment carefully when I spot a book the with the author named, "James Scott" on the cover.

"James Scott? You wrote this?", I know he writes for a living and I was under the impression that he's something like a travel writer.

He looks over me, "Yup."

"I didn't know you have written a book.. I assumed you write a travelling column or something. You know since you travel a lot."

"That is true. I did have a column that I write under a pen name. That, is the one and only piece that I pen under my real name.", he said as he wipes his hands dry and walk towards me.

"What is it about?", I took the book and seat next to him. He then wrap his arm around my shoulder and drags me closer to him.

"There's this thing called a blurb, sunshine.", he smirks and turns the book cover to the blurb side.

"Yes... I know.. but it must be special since you used your real name. So.. I want to hear from you, the author himself."

"I wrote this when I was at the darkest point of my life. Before I started travelling. I struggled to communicate with anyone, even the counsellor. So I started to write as a channel of my emotions. Of course this book has been refined and revised to suit the general market and turned into a fiction. But the emotions that I had still remains.", he explains while flipping through the book.

"I'm sure that's an exclusive blurb that you can't read anywhere else. Thank you.", I kiss his cheek lightly.

"Why thank me?", he look at me curiously.

"For sharing and opening up to me. For letting me in willingly."

"I'm in a much better place now than before. But I'm still a mess, I'm still fixing my relationship with parents and Luke. Please be patient with me.", he pleads and I kissed him.

The kiss gets deeper and more passionate and before I knew it, I whimpered and we are in a panting mess. I was about to kiss him again but he pulls my chin to stop me. I frown and scold him, "Why did you stop me? You don't want this?".

"Of course I want this, I want you. But we agreed to restart properly, babe."

"Fine, so how do we do this? What's the barrier?", I asked, feeling annoyed.

"What? You want new rules? Do you have a thing for rules, babe?", he eyes at me playfully.

I chuckle and smacks him lightly, "No, I mean you're the one that said no sex. So, until when? And what do we do to get there?"

"Eager aren't we?", he laughs before continuing, "Help me out here. I'm more experienced in bed which I've been an amazing teacher. You're welcome. You have more experience in the dating department."

"Please, you weren't that good.", I retort.

"Oh yeah? You wanna argue that?, he rubs my belly and continues, "we have two great evidence in here." and I burst into laughters.

"Whatever! Alright then, since I'll be the teacher for this, we can follow my way.
3 dates to come over to my apartment.
5 dates plus 1 meet with Luke before we do the deeds.", I explain my dating rules.
"And for dates, we can have movie dates, nice dinner, night drives... hmm what else..", I added.

"We've done all those. And Luke? I'm not asking Luke for permission!", he argues my idea of datings.

"You don't exactly have to ask for his permission. I would just.. well, usually I would ask his opinion as a bestie and as a guy."

"You're kidding, right. We've done that too. And we both know what's his opinion on me. So, next!", we both laugh at this.

"5 dates till sex huh... That's a lot of dates. What's your schedule like this week?" he looks at me and I was about to reach my phone to check my calendar but he added, "Make sure all your evenings are clear and adjust your morning meetings so they're not too early."

"Why would I do that!?"

"So, I can bring you out starting from tomorrow and by Friday, you can get ready with the sexy black lingerie that I bought you."

"That's not how it works, Mr James Scott! I can't believe you!", I laugh till my eyes start to tear up.

"How am I supposed to do this. Essentially we have done everything. Does that mean we have been dating all this while?"

"Maybe? Secretly.", I'm still laughing at him. This is so much fun, "You think about it. Or you can Google...or you can ask Luke for tips."

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