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Sorry I didn't kiss you
But it's obvious I wanted to
Bubble gum down my throat
and it's a curse
But my luck couldn't get any worse

- Bubble Gum by Clairo

TW : death and blood (mild, not too much)

Jeno bit his lip nervously, flipping his phone from hand to hand as he stared at the wall in front of him.

It was his birthday today, which also happened to be the day that he would die.

"Just call him."

Jeno snapped out of his gaze as he heard Jaemin's voice. He sighed and flipped backwards onto his bed, covering his eyes with his arm.

"I can't." He responded flatly.

"But today's your birthday, and your last day. Ask him to go to a restaurant or something." The angel responded, resting his cheek on one hand as he watched the human from his chair.

Jeno groaned. "What if he sees me die though? I don't know when we'll finish eating." He said.

"Alright, but you're going to regret it later Jeno." Jaemin sighed, a hint of judgement in his tone.

The human pursed his lips as he looked at his phone, and the angel smirked.

The student huffed and unlocked his phone, glaring at Jaemin as he smiled in a 'I knew you would do it' way.

"Hey." A soft voice rang through the room as Renjun picked up the call.

Jeno smiled happily, his dread immediately floating away as he heard his boyfriend's voice.

"Hey Junnie, I was wondering if you wanted to maybe go to that restaurant a few blocks from campus, the one we've been talking about a lot?" He asked.

The Chinese male had been, for some reason, acting slightly distant from him recently. He didn't know why but he tried not to think too much of it. He was dying today anyways.

He heard a groan and furrowed his brows before Renjun answered. "I'm so sorry Jeno, I'm at the doctor's office right now and I won't be done for a while. Can we schedule for tomorrow?" He asked.

Jaemin winced. He could feel the hurt radiating off of Jeno.

"Oh, no it's fine, we can do tomorrow. Love you." Jeno responded, trying to sound as blank as possible so his disappointment wouldn't show. He ended the call and looked over at Jaemin, who was looking at him sympathetically.

"Stop looking at me like that." He said. The angel shook his head a little.

"Sorry, I just thought you might be sad." He responded.

Jeno scoffed. "Why would I be sad? It's better this way. Now, there's no chance that I could traumatize him with my death."

The angel pressed his lips in a thin line, biting the bottom one out of habit whenever he didn't know what to say to someone.

Seeing as the pink-haired male probably wasn't going to answer, Jeno stood up, putting on his shoes.

"Where are you going?" Jaemin asked as he watched the student.

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