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Please hurry leave me
I can't breathe
Please don't say you love me
Tell me "don't"
So I can
Crawl back in

- Late Spring/First Love by Mitski

A tiny bit of hot sauce ~

"I'm sorry, I really am. I promise I've, uhm, forgotten about the kiss already. I should probably go—"

The moment Jaemin tried to leave, Renjun pulled his arm back so that the angel was now leaning into him.

"Would you just listen for one second?" He sounded annoyed, which was enough for the prince to immediately stop and listen to whatever Renjun wanted to say to him. He let Jaemin stand up properly before starting to talk.

"I'm really not mad, and if I was, it'd be at me, not you." He stepped a little closer to him, trying to show the stubborn angel that he really wasn't angry.

"I'm sorry that I just left you like that. I panicked and I wasn't considering the fact that you were also involved in this mess."

Jaemin pursed his lips while looking anywhere but the man in front of him. He accepted the apology, just wanting to get out of there.

Renjun was only inches away from him, and his face was starting to, once again, become red.

"I, or actually we, have something to tell you," Renjun continued as he glanced behind Jaemin for a split second. "Jeno's almost here too."

Jaemin's eyes widened as Renjun said those words. He knew that Jeno was also in the garden but the only reason he hadn't already disappeared was because the man wasn't physically with them.

Though he clearly wasn't mad at Renjun, Jaemin didn't know if he was still mad at him, and he'd rather not stick around to find out.

"Oh no no no," he said as he raised his hand up to snap his fingers and teleport away.

"I dare you to snap your fingers Jaemin," Jeno said in a challenging tone as he appeared behind the angel.

The prince jumped as he spun around to face Jeno. He gave the man an awkward smile as he waved and started backing up.

"H-hi Jeno!" He laughed awkwardly as he continued walking backwards, the two just watching him. He was caught by surprise when he tripped over a bench, but Jeno and Renjun were fast enough to grab each of his arms and pull him back up.

"Thank you," he muttered quietly as a soft blush painted his cheeks.

"Well um, I think it's time for me to be going," he said as he turned around quickly to leave. However he was pulled back and he landed against Jeno's chest with a small thud.

"Where do you think you're going?" the human asked as he wrapped his arms around Jaemin's waist, trapping him from going anywhere.

Renjun stepped in front of him, lifting up the youngest's chin with his finger. Jaemin gulped as his cheeks flushed even redder, if that was even possible.

"I, uh..." he stuttered over his words as Jeno wrapped his arms tighter around the man, holding his hands as well so he couldn't use them to leave.

He needed to get out of here. This was not what he was expecting to happen at all and he had no idea what to do. He finally wiggled his hand out of Jeno's grasp to leave but was taken aback by Renjun's next words.

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