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Yeah I wish you were, wish you were here
Ba ba ba-ra
Bab bam barid bam bam ba-ra
After all of these years
I wish you were, wish you were here

- Wish You Were Here by SuperM


Nyx jumped as Donghyuck burst into the room, water spilling onto Lyria as the other five, Jaemin, Jeno, Renjun, Mark and Eve, laughed at the girl's soaking face.

She glared at the angel as Nyx tried to help her clean herself while apologizing.

Dongyuck laughed as he walked over to Mark, sitting next to him on a small couch. "Sorry Lyri, didn't mean to startle you guys." He apologized.

"Well what exactly did you think was going to happen?" She grumbled.

While the other men referred to each other with honorifics most of the time, Lyria, Nyx and Eve had never used them before and the boys didn't mind too much since they were all friends.

"Anyways," Donghyuck started, ignoring the girl. She hit him playfully and he laughed a little before moving on.

"What I was going to say was that I found this really great penthouse in the Dream Sector a little while back when I went for family affairs." He said.

"And I was suddenly thinking of it today, and how we were talking about a trip to the Dream Sector anyways." He explained.

"So, I decided to buy it!" He said with a bright smile.

Renjun gave him a questioning look. "You just bought it?" He asked skeptically.

Donghyuck nodded. "Why not? Even if I wasn't thinking of turning it into some sort of getaway place for the eight of us, I would've used it as a second home anyways. I visit that sector a lot." He said as he leaned into Mark's chest.

The two weren't officially dating yet, but they sure looked like it. Same with the two teens on the other couch, as Lyria was lying down with her head in Nyx's lap as she braided Lyria's hair.

Jaemin clapped his hands together. "Sounds nice." He said with a smile. "What does it look like?" He asked as he leaned forward a little.

He was sitting in between Renjun and Jeno, the two having pulled him there a while ago when he first entered the palace room they were in.

He didn't know why, it just happened. Not that he was complaining, obviously.

Donghyuck grinned. "Oh it's absolutely amazing." He responded as he messed with his pin, a screen materializing in front of him with a 3D hologram of the penthouse.

He gave the pin to Jaemin, who started looking at the layout while Jeno and Renjun pointed things out as well.

The others looked on as well, as Donghyuck continued to talk about the unit.

"It has the most amazing view, and I was thinking that if you guys wanted, we could go up there in a week and decorate the place together."

The eight looked around at each other. "Sure, I'm not busy." Jeno said.

The others agreed, and soon they were discussing trip details while eating lunch that a maid had brought up.

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