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I've felt this way
Oh no, I really shouldn't stay
I've felt so strange

- Vas by Jagger Finn

"Sirs! Welcome back, why so early?"

The couple was greeted by Kia on their arrival back at the palace, the woman bowing and greeting them in her usual cheery demeanor.

"Hello ma'am, is Jaemin in his suite?" Renjun asked politely as he bowed back.

Kia nodded frantically. "Yes! I'm so glad you two are here, he seems to be in a bad mood." She lowered her voice and leaned in a little closer to the two. "He hasn't come out of his room since he came back yesterday."

Jeno and Renjun looked at each other worriedly before bowing once more at the maid and quickly heading to the second floor.

They headed straight to Jaemin's suite, hoping to get him to come out or to let them in. However, when they turned into the hallway where his room was located, a guard bowed and stopped them.

"Good morning sirs, the prince isn't in his room right now," he greeted politely,

Renjun frowned, looking at Jeno. "Do you happen to know where he is?" Jeno asked as he looked at the guard.

"He may be in the king's chamber, if I am not mistaken."

Jeno and Renjun smiled, bowing at the guard as they thanked him and headed in the direction of Jaehyun's room.

Jaemin was, in fact, in Jaehyun and Taeyong's room. He was casually talking with his soon-to-be brother in law about the upcoming wedding, the two starting to plan some of the wedding details together.

They were joined by Jaehyun, who wasn't doing much planning, but rather filing through papers part of his new kingly duties and occasionally offering a "that sounds great" or just a simple hum of agreement.

They were halted by a knock on the door, a maid stepping carefully into the room a second later.

"Your majesty? Sirs Jeno and Renjun are here."

Jaemin's eyes went wide, and he immediately stood up, teleporting into the bathroom. The couple looked at him skeptically, and he frantically shook his head. He held a finger up to his lips before disappearing further into probably their closet to stay hidden.

Jaehyun and Taeyong looked at each other with a sarcastic look, but the king sighed. "This boy..."

He turned his head back to the maid, who was waiting patiently. "Let them in please."

She nodded, and a second later the young couple entered the suite.

Jaehyun smiled warmly at them. "Hello you two, why are you back so early? Shouldn't you still be on the trip?"

Renjun smiled as they walked closer to the king and his fiancé. "Hey hyung. We were, but we came back to accompany Jaemin. We were actually looking for him, do you happen to know where he is?"

Taeyong hid a smile as Jaehyun answered innocently, "nope, haven't seen him. Why?"

Jeno shrugged. "Oh, it's nothing. We just wanted to talk to him."

"I see," Taeyong started. "Well, we'll tell you if we see him." He glanced over at his fiancé and the two shared a small knowing look.

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