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Sometimes I wonder how I spend
The lonely night
Dreaming of a song
The melody haunts my reverie
And I am once again with you

- Stardust by Nat King Cole

TW : homophobia (I am also part of the LGBTQ+ community, and as someone who has experienced homophobia before I'm warning you beforehand that if you are uncomfortable with slurs then you should skip), assault, suicide

Just when Renjun thought life couldn't get any worse, it did. And though he thought yesterday was hell, today was in the absolute trenches.

"Hey fag!" Someone yelled from across the courtyard as Renjun hurried back to his dorm.

He gritted his teeth as he pulled his hood down even further, if that was even possible, and quickened his pace back to his room.

"Hey!" The person yelled again, and Renjun only had a split second to react before he was grabbed harshly by the arm.

"I was fucking talking to you." The man said as he stared at him with a dark glare.

He sighed deeply. He was in absolutely no mood to go through something like this. He had already received numerous slurs thrown his way today, plus multiple skirts, tutus and notes stuffed into his backpack when he wasn't looking.

He had honestly thought that high school would be the end of immature ridicule, but apparently the assholes never really went away.

Luckily though, no one but his close friends had known he was gay until he started dating Jeno.

And because of that, no one messed with either of them unless they wanted to end up in the hospital.

Ever since word got around yesterday that he died though, many people took that as a perfect opportunity to let out their homophobia on him.

Because why not? It's not like they had anything better to do with their lives anyways. Especially the man who had just come up to him and was now breathing hot, foul breath into his face.

"What do you want Lin?" He asked with an exasperated tone. All he wanted was to go back to his room and sleep but this buffoon wasn't letting him.

"Is it true that Jeno's dead?" He asked, clearly oblivious to any kind of emotional signals and as clueless as ever. How he even got into college was completely beyond him.

Renjun pursed his lips into a tight line. "Yes. Now leave me the fuck alone okay?" He said as he shrugged himself out of the man's grasp and tried to walk back to his dorm.

However, he felt a sharp tug on his hoodie and his neck being choked as Lin had pulled his hood back.

He fell onto the grass with a small thud and rolled his eyes as he dusted himself off.

"Look Lin," he started with a sigh. "Just let me leave okay? Don't be an asshole for once and go hang out with your friends or something." He said, his face bored and very much done with talking to him.

However, the other didn't seem to have a problem with wasting his time on someone who didn't care because he didn't walk away. In fact, he did just about the complete opposite.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to? Your boyfriend's not around to defend you anymore so you better watch your mouth fag." He snarled as he got closer to him.

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