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Why can't you want me
like the other boys do?
They stare at me while I stare at you
Why can't I keep you
safe as my own?
One moment I have you the next
you're gone

- Crave You by Flight Facilities, Giselle

By the time the three had finished shopping and returned to the penthouse, Lyria and Nyx had arrived as well.

They had helped prepare dinner all together, which had been pretty chaotic, and ate together in the large living room while playing music in the background.

The longer this trip went on, the more it really did seem like they were a group of college kids on break.

All throughout dinner, Renjun was fawning over Jaemin and how he had handled the situation at the grocery store.

It would have seemed slightly strange since his boyfriend was right next to him, if it wasn't for the fact that Jeno himself was also fawning over the prince.

All while Jaemin sat next to Donghyuck a few feet away, blushing at every little thing the couple said.

After dinner, they decided to play a little game of truth or dare, since they couldn't find anything more interesting to do.

They took turns spinning a bottle, and answering whatever questions were thrown their way.

It got to Jaemin, and the prince grimaced when he saw the bottle head turn on Donghyuck the second time. By the look on the man's face, he was up to no good.

"Jaemin, truth or dare?" He smiled sweetly.

The prince gulped. He knew that whichever one he picked, it most likely would not go well.

"Truth..." He dragged out the word, giving a small warning look to Donghyuck. "Don't do anything that will end up with my arm around your neck Hyuck."

The man waved him off. "Don't worry, it's a simple question Jaeminnie." He cleared his throat. "Do you like anyone?"

A cat-like grin spread quickly on his face as Jaemin tried to restrain himself from killing his best friend then and there.

Those in the room that knew who the prince liked started stifling giggles, teasingly glancing at the angel who's cheeks were now becoming very red.

Jeno and Renjun, however, were painfully unaware of how often Jaemin would flirt with the both of them.

They both sat up straighter, staring at the man in between them. They had mixed feelings, both interest and a slight possessiveness, though neither fully acknowledged it.

"Bunny has a crush on someone?" Jeno asked curiously, a slight hint of snark in his voice.

Almost as if it was a second instinct, which it probably was, Renjun scooted a little closer to Jaemin and started playing with his cotton candy pink hair.

"More like some two." Lyria coughed as she smiled sweetly at the prince.

"Ooh, tell us who!" Renjun smiled in delight as he leaned close to Jaemin, the prince widening his eyes and gulping at the close proximity.

Yes he was genuinely curious, but a part of him also wanted to find out who the competition, ahem, lucky person, was.

The pink-haired man quickly turned away, only to be met by Jeno's strong and equally curious gaze.

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