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It's your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
Your love I'm lost in
And I'm tired of being
so exhausted

- Bruises by Lewis Capaldi


Renjun coughed upon the impact of falling onto a grassy hill. He groaned and stood up slowly, turning back as he heard a grunt behind him.

He saw Jaehyun slowly standing up just as he had and the angel walked over to him.

"Where are we?" Renjun asked as he looked around. Below the hill they stood on, there was a huge city glistening in all its magnificence. It was nighttime, so all the lights looked like small stars in the darkness of the land.

Jaehyun smiled, a small huff coming from his mouth. "We're in the afterworld." He breathed.

"Specifically, Nowhere." He said with a hazy look on his face. His eyes were sparkling as he looked at they city he grew up in before going to Earth.

"The afterworld?"

Jaehyun nodded. "The afterworld."

He sat down on the grass, and Renjun followed his action. They stared at the buildings in front of them, watching humans and angels move about peacefully.

"You know," the angel started, cutting the silence. "You asked me once if you would commit suicide because of your family problems."

Renjun nodded as he looked up at the moon, shining above them brightly.

"And when you started dating Jeno, you asked me if he'd be sad if you died."

Renjun nodded again.

"I was off quite a bit wasn't I?" He said with a sad laugh.

Jaehyun smiled solemnly. "I guess. But, I didn't know what to say to you back then." He said.

"I've known about all of this since I came to Earth to be your Angel of Death, but it wasn't easy." He tilted his head down.

"I think it's kind of silly how humans our called the Protected of us angels, when we really don't protect you from anything."

"People still die in the most gruesome ways possible and angels can't do anything but sit there and watch it happen."

He turned his head to look at Renjun, who was staring at him with a remorseful look on his face.

"I wanted nothing more than to tell you. You didn't deserve to die that way Renjun, I hope you know that." He said solemnly as he took one of the younger's hands.

He placed his hands above and below, sandwiching it as he spoke softly. "I just want you to know that I'm really proud of you. For getting through childhood mainly, but also for being able to deal with everything that's happened to you." He said earnestly.

"And don't be sad about Jeno. I don't know when, but you'll meet him here someday. He's here just like you, and fate will make sure you two reunite again. I know it."

Renjun nodded, tears starting to form in his eyes. "Thank you hyung, really." He said softly.

"Thank you for being by my side. I know you had no choice, but thank you for helping me get through my childhood and not giving up on me."

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