Same Band...New School...New Species?! - 23

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Someone was knocking on our door. Whoever had his legs across my stomach swore and turned over, nearly kicking me in the face. I groaned in annoyance and pushed up on whoever had just put his arm across my neck.

"Someone get the door," Lyle muttered from my left.

"You get it," Sparrow muttered back.

"Just ignore it," Frost yawned.

"Ugh!" Ink woke up and I discovered that he was the one with his legs across my stomach. "Dammit someone get their arse up!"

"I'm on the bottom," I yawned. "Shotgun not me."

"Fine," Ink muttered. His legs twitched across my stomach and there was a distinctive 'oomph' and thump as someone fell off the bed.

"You're lucky that wasn't me," Nix laughed from my right.

"Bloody hell Ink!" Lyle yelled from the floor, sounding not at all sleepy anymore.

"Well as while as you're up," Ink yawned, not apologetic in the slightest. "Get the door."


"Thank you, mate."

Lyle stomped out of the room and moments later the door was thrown open.

"What the hell do you want?" he snapped.

"I have news," Darren Cross said.

"Get rid of him!" Ink called.

"Sorry," Lyle called back. "He's already in."

"Great," Sparrow yawned. "What a wake-up call."

"Sorry," Darren Cross said from my door. "But this is important... do you all always sleep like that?"

"Only when we're home and tired," I yawned and opened my eyes. "What time is it?"

"Noon," he told me.

"We've been asleep for quite a while..." Frost sat up.

"Yup," Nix climbed out of bed, scratching his head. Then he tapped my foot. "Come on, up."

"Don't wanna," I flipped over onto my stomach and buried my face in the sheets. I didn't want to hear any of this news... I just wanted to sleep and pretend that everything was fine now.

"Don't make me dump you in an icy shower," he threatened.

I stiffened, then jumped out of bed as fast as physically possible. I did not doubt at all that he would dump me in a cold shower if I didn't get out of bed fast. I remembered after one concert a year ago I had wanted to go to sleep so friggin bad... but I had made Nix promise me that he would make me take a shower and take off my makeup before I did... and he upheld his promises.

As men started to make themselves comfortable on my floor, bean-bags and sofa, I walked over to my wardrobe and pulled out a large Arsenal t-shirt. I missed wearing my team colors.... I walked back over towards the sofa, pulling my t-shirt off as I went, then slipping on the new one. I needed to be in a fresh t-shirt. I readjusted my bra under the shirt and was wishing I hadn't slept with it on when someone cleared his throat.

I looked up and found myself staring straight at Darren Cross.


"Yeah," he nodded. "I saw that."

"Oh well," I shrugged, trying to be nonchalant about it. "It's not like I was starkers."


"Oh," I shook my head, it was irritating how Americans didn't speak proper English. "It means naked."

"Then yeah, it's a good thing you weren't," he laughs.

"Enough with this bull," Ink snapped. "Come on Cross, what the bloody hell is so important that you had to wake us all up for?"

"There are three prefects from every dorm of the school on their way to England," Darren Cross told us all.

"How do you know?!" Lyle demanded before anyone else could.

"I'm keeping tabs," he shrugged like it was the most natural thing in the world. "When I said I'd help out, I meant it."

"Do you know what they're planning to do?" Nix asked thoughtfully.

"No," Darren Cross shook his head. "But it's probably not just to say hi."

"No shite," Ink muttered and got up. "I need some coffee."

"Bring me a mocha!" I called after him. Lordy I needed caffine...

"And a cup of earl grey!" Sparrow called.

"Anything else?!" Ink demanded, sarcasm saturating his voice.

"Water," Nix calls.

If it had been anyone but Nix, Ink wouldn't have brought any of our drinks. Because it was Nix, Ink held his tongue and made the drinks.

"What can we do?" I asked quietly.

"I don't know," Darren Cross told me bluntly.

"Well you can start by staying in here," Nix looked me in the eye.

"Beg pardon?"

"You heard me," he said, dead serious. "House arrest."

"You can't be serious!" I nearly jumped up in frustration.

"I agree," Lyle said, looking at wall, not me.

"Me too," Sparrow nodded.

"What?!" I exclaimed, looking around the room.

"It's for your own good Crys," Frost murmured guiltily.

"What about you Ink?" I called sarcastically. "Do I deserve my freedom?"

"Sorry, but not this time," he came back into the room, drinks on a tray.

"I can't believe this," I shook my head, standing up.

"Where are you going Crys?" Nix was standing in a second.

"To get something to eat," I told him angrily. "I can go to the kitchen by myself Nix."

"You're a crappy liar Crystal," Nix sped up.

I made a run for it. No way they were keeping me in here. It may be better than being locked up in that school, but not all that much. I don't do good in closed spaces. I made it all the way to the front door before Nix grabbed me.

He hooked an arm around my waist and pulled me back, kicking and flailing like there was no tomorrow.

"Crys stop it!" Nix snapped. "You know we're only doing this to keep you safe!"

"I don't care!" I tried lunging forwards again, but he just picked me up all together. "You can't keep me locked in here!"

"Can and will, love," Ink came around and grabbed my wrists. I grit my teeth and stopped struggling. There was no way I could keep flailing without kicking Ink where it hurts... and I could never do that. He knew it too.

"Come on Crys," Frost stood up as Lyle closed my bedroom door and stood in front of it. "Your mocha's getting cold."

I grit my teeth and took the mug, marching over to my bed and sitting with my back to the room.

"Great," Ink sighed. "Now she's gonna sulk for God knows how long.

"At least she'll be safe," Nix said.

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