Same Band...New School...New Species?! - 7

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I opened my eyes to five worried faces. I blinked twice, regaining my sense of where I was and what happened. And I did remember what happened, in graphic detail. I shot up, grabbing hold of Frost (who was closest) and just clinging. I was safe... my arm was back in place and I was safe. I was never leaving my brother's again, not in this place.

"Crys," he held me back gently. "Are you hurt?"

"No," my voice shook on that one word.

"What happened?" he demanded, hugging my fiercely.

I couldn't say it. Someone, most likely Ink or Sparrow, would do something rash. That boy had been strong... I just couldn't let them get hurt. So I stayed silent, just clinging to Frost and trying to come up with some kind of convincing lie. Saying it was nothing wouldn't work, not after they'd heard that scream.

I took a deep breath and blinked against his shoulder, making sure there were no tears in my eyes. Then I pulled back and started to turn to sit normally against the couch; but stopped. An aching wave of pain jolted along my shoulders and down my back.

"Crys?" Lyle asked immediately as I froze. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I forced my grimace into a smile and sat back normally. "My back is a little sore is all."

"What happened?" Nix loomed over me.

"I don't remember much," I tried to be as convincing as possible. "I was daydreaming and got lost on the way to the dorm. I was wandering for a while when someone grabbed me from behind. I screamed and he threw me against a wall. I was dazed and Don, this guy who helped out on my first day, found me and brought me back."

"Tell the truth Crys," he glowered at me.

"I did," I insisted.

"Look, we've known each other for a rather long time luv," Sparrow sat to my right. "We know when you're lying."

"That's all I remember," I insisted.

"Fine," he sighed. "At least tell us his name."

"I don't know," I settled myself more comfortably against the sofa.

"Bollocks," Ink snapped. "Crys if you're not going to tell us what the prick did, fine. Just tell us his name."

"Crystal?" Isabelle's voice came from another sofa behind the line of brothers. "Do you need to talk alone?"

The guys all seemed to stiffen at the same moment as the implication of what she said got to them. I couldn't let them think that... it would probably set them on Don to find out Richard Cortez' name.

"It's not like that," I called back to her. "But thanks Isabelle."

"We were very worried," she pushed her way in between Sparrow and Frost to sit on my left. "You must not wander the halls after class. The dorms here are

always desperate to snatch neutrals. Do not go anywhere alone anymore Crystal, you seemed to be fixated on, it would be dangerous."

"You don't have to worry about that," Nix said stonily.

A door opened and closed and everyone looked up to see Jackson walk in. His hair was a mess, uniform scruffy and in some places, torn. He looked like he'd been in a fight. Since his 'she doesn't matter' frosty welcome, I'd hardly seen him, let alone talked to him. I expected him to carry on like he hadn't seen the group, but he didn't. He stopped.

"What happened?"

"I could ask you the same," I noticed a few red patches of swelling skin.

"What happened Jackson?!" Isabelle shot up from the couch.

"Richard Cortez was in a mood," Jackson shrugged like it didn't matter. "You know how he likes to try to recruit when he's mad."

I stiffened involuntarily. Of course, all five faces snapped towards me.

"So what does this Richard Cortez bloke look like?" Ink looked back at Jackson. "So we can avoid him."

"No!" I sprung up before I knew what I was doing.

"We are lucky that you're such a crap liar Crys," Sparrow patted me on the head. "Now just go to sleep while we have a chat with your friend."

"Like hell!" I snapped. "You wouldn't be able to deal with this guy! Don't do anything stupid just because he shoved me in the corridor!"

"Tell us what he did Crys," Lyle said evenly. "And we'll think about it."

"What happened?" Jackson's now annoyingly worried voice came into the mix.

"Like you care," I snapped. "Or wasn't it you who thought I wasn't even worthy of introducing yourself to."

"That's not what I meant," he shook his head. "Crystal the dorm guys are dangerous, you can't go wandering alone."

"I know that now," I sighed.

"Just tell us what happened Crys," Nix pulled me gently down onto the couch.

"I-" I took a deep breath and nodded. Better just tell them the truth before their imaginations go crazy. "I told you I was daydreaming and got lost on the way back to the dorms. I ran into Richard Cortez around the corner, he didn't take my apology well and shoved me against the wall. Since it was the corner I dislocated my arm. Then Don came around, chased Cortez off and popped my arm back, that's the scream you heard. It was just a misunderstanding, I'm fine."

There was a long moment of silence.

"Frost stay here with Crys," Nix said as they all suddenly stood up. "We'll be back."

"Alright," Frost said.

"Wait!" I cried. "You can't. You don't unders-"

"What is going on here?" Saraphine entered the room looking at little worse for wear herself. "There will be no fighters in my dorm, not matter what happened. Fighting only leads to more fighting and our dorm is not... big enough to deal with any of the others. Whatever happened the person responsible will be punished by their own dorm."

"That's not enough," Ink snapped. "That prick hurt Crys, we don't just let people like that get away with it. We defend our people."

"We're all your people now," Saraphine said calmly.

"Yeah you lot," Ink laughed harshly. "You well loved, sheltered rich kids. Like hell you're our people, none of you would have lasted two seconds in our lives."

"Probably not," Saraphine never once strayed from her calm tone. "However in this place I decide what is worthy of retribution. Crys herself does not want you to do this. There will be no fighting Ink Iyer."

Ink grit his teeth, looked down at me, then sighed. Without another word he turned around and went off towards his room. No one could think of anything else to say after that. I just sat down and tried to relax. Ink was right of course, these people didn't know what it was like to live our lives, no matter how sweet they are they just wouldn't understand. I just hoped that we all managed to get through these years as a part of a bigger group... for once it would be nice to open up a little to the world and find that it isn't as bad as we remember.

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