Same Band...New School...New Species?! - 31

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Oh Lord I was in trouble. I sat, in a chair, surrounded by a semi-circle of my brothers, all of whom were glaring death down upon me. I took a deep breath and refused to meet any of their eyes. Cross was upstairs, undoubtedly listening somehow with his mage powers.

“I don’t know where to start.” Nix said eventually. “Crystal- you knew that man’s father had your parents killed. That means he can’t be trusted. Yet you still brought him into our house, protected him like he was one of us-”

“You make us seem like a cult,” I muttered.

“Do you think this is funny?!” Nix grabbed my shoulders, shaking me until I looked him in the eye. “Crystal what were you thinking?!”

“I didn’t have a choice!” I snapped, standing up and shoving his hands off of me at the same time.

“The hell do you mean you didn’t have a choice?!” Ink snapped, stepping up into my personal space.

An awkward silence descended.

“What?” Ink demanded, looking around at all of us. “What don’t I know?”

“Crystal?” Nix looked at me expectantly.

“Darren Cross-” I took a deep breath and prepared myself for his response. “Is my soul-mate.”

“Soul mate?” Ink looked like he was waiting for the punch line.

“Yes,” I nodded. “It’s a wolf thing I inherited from my mother.”

“Well that’s just bloody fantastic.” Ink turned and strode away from me to the other side of the room where he sat on the sofa and stared off into space.

“Ink-” I took a step forwards, not knowing what to do, but Frost stopped me.

“Let him be, Crys,” he murmured.

“Now,” Nix turned back towards me. “Why didn’t you tell us everything you knew about Cross?”

“I-” why hadn’t I? “Maybe I was denying it to myself… because there’s just too much to deal with.”

“Hey,” Nix put his hands on my shoulders. “You’re not alone Crys.”

I blinked at him, then, without warning, I started crying. Too much had happened, it was all so overwhelming. I had no idea I was so upset, but when I started crying, I just couldn’t stop. Nix wrapped his arms around me, holding me while I sobbed.

He didn’t say anything, just waited patiently while I cried my eyes out. I’m not a crier, but with all that was happening to me… I couldn’t stop myself. I clung onto Nix, head buried in his shoulder, crying for all I was worth.

By the time I was in control of myself enough to stop crying, I had the desperate need to be with Cross. I hated that I needed him so much… but I couldn’t bring myself to hate him. Damn this situation. I took a deep, shuddering breath and pulled away from Nix.

“You okay?” he asked, keeping his hands on my shoulders.

“Yeah,” I smiled weakly, wiping my eyes.

“Alright,” he nodded, letting go of me. “You can go.”

“What?” I blinked up at him.

“I know you want to be upstairs,” he sighed, not meeting my eyes.

“I-” was he that good at reading me?

“Go on Crys,” Ink said tiredly from the sofa.

“No.” I met Nix’s eyes. “I don’t need him.”


“No.” I grit my teeth. “I am staying here.”

“Alright,” he managed a small smile.

“Come on, love,” Sparrow grinned, scooping me up. “Let’s watch a film.”

“Sounds good,” I smiled as he dumped me on the floor in front of the T.V.

Lyle, Frost and I sat down as Sparrow put a film on. There was a companionable silence, which was better than an awkward one. Nix and Ink didn’t join us. Ink stayed on the sofa and Nix sat in an armchair a little ways away from the T.V. I just let myself enjoy the moment, we were all together and we were all safe, for now at least.

I must have fallen asleep, because when I opened my eyes Lyle, Frost and Sparrow were all strewn around the floor, fast asleep. I yawned, looking around. Ink was spread out on the sofa he had been on yesterday, but Nix was nowhere to be seen.

I sat up, yawned again, then got up. I needed a nice, long shower. I made my way up the stairs  out of the basement, then turned the corner to go upstairs to the second floor, but voices stopped me.

“You heard me.” Nix sounded pissed.

“Hey,” Cross laughed. “I didn’t start this whole affair.”

“I can’t stand liars in my house.”

“You want me to leave?” Cross full out laughed. “Then I’ll just be taking her with me.”

“What do you really want, Cross?” Nix sounded dead furious.

“To help Crystal,” he sounded like he was smirking.

“Why?” Nix demanded.

“My, my,” Cross laughed. “You have some serious trust issues Mr. Night.”

“I only trust my family.”

“Well, I don’t trust mine,” Cross said calmly. “In fact I hate my father, which is why I want to help Crystal.”

“Why the hell should I believe you?” Nix demanded.

“You don’t have to,” Cross laughed. “I could care less.”

“Then what’s stopping me from kicking you out on your arse?” I have never heard Nix sound so threatening.


“You really think she’ll choose you over us?” Nix laughed harshly.


“She is our sister.”

“But I’m her mate.”

“Crys would never choose a near stranger over us.” Nix was dead confident. My heart jerked. I prayed he was right.

“You sure about that?” Cross laughed.


“Then we should ask.”


I froze, I had no idea what to do. I couldn’t face that question. I turned and ran for it. I made it to the conservatory and out into the garden. I was still fully dressed, so I had no qualms about jumping the garden fence and running out towards town. It was before dawn, and I made it all the way into town before the sun was even visible.

I just wandered, watching people open their little shops until I got to Annie’s café, my favorite little restaurant in the world. Their treacle sponge is to die for. I was greeted by Bess at the front, who let me upstairs to the private room they let us use when we came into town. My brother’s would find me eventually… I just hoped they didn’t panic too much. However I needed the time alone desperately. My plan was to just avoid Nix and Cross for as long as physically possible… which really wouldn’t be that long because this is Nix and Cross we’re talking about.

I’d deal with the big stuff when I had to, as for right now, I was going to relax and pretend that nothing was wrong. I sighed, resigning myself to my treacle sponge and tea.

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