Same Band...New School...New Speices?! - 10

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We had to help around the dorms for three hours after classes ended. Classes had already been over for a while, so it was only just over two hours left for today, but that time was going to feel like an eternity.

"Time to go," Frost sighed as we walked towards reception.

"I don't like this," Ink muttered.

"Neither do I," I said. "But-"

"You have to know," Nix said when I paused. "I understand."

"Yeah," Ink sighed after a moment. "I'd do the same thing in your shoes."

"It's just till Friday." Lyle said it more like he was assuring himself than anything else.

"Here's where we split," Nix said, looking at the piece of paper. "I'm going to the Black dorm."

"Lucky you," Ink said dryly. "I'm off to Silver."

"That is actually lucky," Sparrow laughed. "I'm free today."

"Same," Frost nodded. "I guess we'll be taking the bags back."

"Damn it," Lyle looked at the paper and sighed. "I'm Amber."

"That's not bad," Sparrow raised an eyebrow. "Crys friend Jenna's in there."

"No, I like the Amber dorm." Lyle shook his head. "It just means that Crystal's going to Crimson."

I'd realized that fact moments before everyone else and was currently feeling very cold. I only know two people from that dorm, Don and Richard Cortez. I kept replaying that hallway scene over and over in my head. My shoulder throbbed just thinking about it. I did not want to go into that dorm.

"Crys?" Nix looked at me. "We can switch. Let Sparrow go in, if we get in trouble than screw it, you're more important."

"No," I shook my head and took a deep breath. "I'm not risking the headmaster having any loopholes to not telling me and Lyle our parents names. I can do this."

"Are you sure?" Lyle looked me in the eyes. "You know our safety might not be worth this."

I looked at Nix first. He was going into the black dorm and they hated us. I imagine their bruised pride would not be easily forgotten. As if he could hear my thoughts Nix smiled reassuringly.

"I'll be fine Crys," he said. "I can handle myself."

"I know..." I sighed. "I'm just wondering if it's really worth it."

"It is," Frost said. "You ad Lyle can't miss this chance. We all know we'd do the same thing in your position."

"Agreed," Sparrow laughed. "If I had a chance to find out those bastards names I would. Then I could send them hate mail for the rest of their lives."

"Well said," Ink grinned.

"It's the way it is," Sparrow shrugged with a grin of his own.

"So we're going through with it? For sure?" Lyle asked.

"Yup," I said instantly.

Everyone else soon followed with agreements.

"See you guys back at the dorm in a couple hours," Frost said as he and Sparrow took our bags.

"Yup," Ink agreed.

"Be careful," I told Nix.

"You be careful," he laughed wryly.

"Really Crys," Lyle said. "If something happens, get the hell out."

"Promise," I nodded.

"And Ink," Sparrow grinned as he and Frost started walking away. "Try not to flirt with the Silver girls outrageously."

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