Same Band...New School...New Species?! - 29

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“Well, any more questions?” Cross asked after a moment of silence.

“Nope,” I replied curtly.

“Alright then,” he grinned, opening the door.

“Wait-” I stood before I knew what I was doing.

“Yes?” he turned around and looked at me.

“Nothing,” I sat back down again.

“Are you sure?” he smirked. “You don’t want me to stay?”

Yes I do.

“Of course not,” I snapped. “Now kindly sod off, I’m tired.”

“Sweet dreams,” he laughed, closing the door behind him.

God this is not happening. There is no way I can have a ‘mate’ let alone someone that drove me crazy!  After all the shite that was thrown at me at the academy you think fate would have given me a breather, but no. Of course not. I sighed, laying down. I was suddenly exhausted.

I was asleep in seconds.

There was something cooking… and it smelt damn good. My eyes shot open as I recognized the scent of Frost’s pancakes. I blinked in surprise at my surroundings, my sleep deprived mind taking a while to process the events of last night. When it all came back to me, I took a deep breath and forced my worry and anxiety away. Eat now, rescue Ink later, think about the Darren Cross issue never.

I jumped up, pulled a hoodie on and ran downstairs. Frost and Nix were the only two up. Frost was at the stove, pouring batter into three pans and Nix sat at the table, sipping black coffee.

“Morning,” Frost turned to smile at me.

“Mornin,” I smiled back, then yawned and made my way over to the coffee. I don’t really like coffee too much, unless it’s in mocha form, but I was so tired that I’d deal with it. I knew I wouldn’t be able to go back to sleep, so caffeine was the only real solution here.

“Crys?” Nix looked at me as I sat beside him at the table.

“Yeah?” I looked into my coffee, too nervous to look at him. He was undoubtedly going to ask what the hell happened last night.

“What the hell happened last night?”

Oh I’m good.

“Cross and I were talking because I couldn’t sleep,” I said carefully. “Then we started arguing because he annoys the hell out of me, then you guys came in, then he persuaded you to leave because everything was fine.”

“How exactly did he manage that?” Nix did not sound happy at all.


“Look at me Crystal.”

Reluctantly, I raised my chin to look Nix in the eye. Yeah, he definitely was not happy.

“What’s happening?”

“Well…” I took a deep breath. I was going to have to tell him sooner or later, later would be preferable, but it wasn’t really an option when Nix was pissed.

“It turns out I’m not exactly as human as we all thought…” I mumbled, really not wanting to say this.

“What do you mean?” Nix and Frost demanded at the same time. I flinched and looked up. Frost was watching me from across the kitchen, a pancake on his spatula.

“You might as well tell them.”

I jumped sky high at Darren Cross’ voice. He walked down the stairs as we all turned to stare at him.

“Crys?” Nix brought my attention back to him.

“Yeah- I- well-” I just couldn’t say it with Cross standing right behind me.

“I think she’s trying to tell you that she’s found a mate,” Cross laughed, walking towards Frost. “Those smell pretty damn good.”

“What?” Nix stared me in the eye.

“Um-” I scrambled for words. This was the last way I wanted them to find out. “He’s- yeah, he’s right.”

“Three guesses who it is,” Cross smirked, picking up a pancake.

I’ve never seen Nix jump to his feet so fast.

“You leave Crystal the fuck alone.” Nix took a menacing step towards him.

“Stop!” I jumped to my feet, not even bothering to resist the urge to protect Cross. I hated that I felt the need, but I might as well accept it because there’s not much to do about it.

“Crys?” Nix stared at me.

“I can’t let you hurt him,” I sighed in defeat.

“Crys, look at me,” Nix commanded.

I looked up. I don’t know what he saw in my expression, but whatever it was made him sit down and sigh.

“This is for real,” he shook his head and took another sip of coffee.

“Yes,” I murmured, although I knew it was a statement, not a question.

“Well,” he laughed and it was not a happy sound. “Ink isn’t going to like this.”

I smiled wryly. That was going to be a damn understatement.

“Hell, I don’t like it,” Frost muttered.

I turned to stare at him. Never in my life have I heard Frost use the world ‘hell’. To him, ‘darn’ was hardcore badass language.

“Neither do I,” Nix shrugged, not taken aback by Frost’s language flare. “But it seems like this is how it’s going to be.”

“Damn straight,” Cross smirked.

God help us.

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