Same Band...New School...New Species?!

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My first day. It was a palace, not a school. Gilded halls, golden figures at the end of every hall, looming, stunning mirrors and windows. God I bet Buckingham Palace isn't this stunning... I instantly felt a stab of homesickness and wariness. I didn't belong here. Sure I was rich enough get to this place, but I hardly fit in with them, what made me think I would fit in with these rich people? I prefer cheep New Look cardigans and Primark trainers when I could buy Gucci and Dolce and Cabaña. What's wrong with me?

I walked along the carpeted halls wishing I would sink through them and join the non-existent dust mites on the real marble floor. I was lost... fantastic. This place put my 12 acre previous school to shame, no wonder I was lost. Then there were the creepy people... groups of students wandered the halls, murmuring among themselves as if speaking any louder would offend the statutes and paintings. And they were all staring at me. I wished I had worn the posh summer dress Sparrow picked out instead of skinny jeans and a worn out arsenal t-shirt. But I had a creepy feeling that they weren't just judging me, they were assessing me. Man I miss the guys, they better get here soon.

"Excuse me?" a girl came away from a group of tough looking students. All of them had amber eyes, powerful looking bodies and well... they looked like they could punch a fist through a wall and come away smiling. Scary.

"Yes," I turned on what I hoped was a friendly smile. I prepared for the 'are you lost poor girl?' jibe.

"Can I help you find your dormitory?" she offered a friendly hand and smile. "I'm Jenna." She had dark brown hair and the same amber eyes as everyone else in the group she just left. I was guessing they were a club who all wore contacts. She was muscled, although leanly and it suited her body structure.

"Oh-" I blinked in surprise. "Yes that would be very kind of you." I took her hand. Wow what a handshake, I thought she meant to pop my hand off my wrist.

"Have you chosen a dorm yet?" she asked happily, leading me down the hall.

"We choose?" I stared at her.

"Yes," she laughed. "You didn't know?"

"Nope," I shrugged, pulling my messenger back up my shoulder as it tried to escape.

"Well, there are five dorms. Since you haven't chosen a dorm yet, you'll go to the neutral dorm. When you choose, you'll move into the new dorm."

"How do I choose?" I tried to ignore a group of dark eyed boys who were all staring at us angrily. Well, staring at Jenna angrily. Probably just different friendship circles. She caught them looking and stiffened, looping her arm through mine and pulling me away.

"You talk to people in the dorms, get a feel for what they're like, then choose who you'd like to stay with."

"How do I know who's from what dorm?" I hitched up the bag again, gently trying to pull my arm from hers. No luck, she was strong.

"There are four to chose from," she gave me a warm smile. "Black, Crimson, Amber and Silver. Those in the Black dorm have dark eyes, most are arrogant, rude and flirt like there's no tomorrow. Crimsons are the strong silent, smart and athletic type. They have the bright eyes and are about as arrogant as the

Black dorm. Silver are the willowy, graceful type. They find just about everything funny, and are pretty carefree in general. They aren't as arrogant as the other two, but you should be careful of them, they're like sharks in disguise."

"I'm guessing you're Amber," I said dryly as she paused. "You've insulted the other three."

"Well," she laughed happily. "I have to do my best, I like you, you'd do well with us. We're the sporty type, amber eyes, the guys are all muscled and you can't complain there. We're the most sociable ones, big on being close. And we have a great sense of humor."

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