Same Band...New School...New Species?! - 9

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Everyone got up for breakfast, which was unexpectedly nice because there was no bitching involved. We even managed to make it through classes without anything happening. Just when I thought we were clear for the mini-fight yesterday, a prefect called us in to the headmaster. Great.

"There is a no fighting policy here," he said as way of greeting. "Sit down."

"Sir-" Nix started.

"I don't want to hear it Mr. Night." The eerie man cut Nix off. "I have already decided on your punishments. As service to the school, you will each be responsible for chores around the four dorms. Five days of the week, one of you per day per dorm, the schedule is here."

Nix took the paper our headmaster took in mute shock and we all looked at it.

Monday:   Crystal Chimes (Crimson)Nix Night (Black), Ink Iyer (Silver), Lyle Lewis (Amber)

Tuesday:   Nix Night (Crimson), Crystal Chimes (Black), Sparrow Smith (Silver), Frost Falor (Amber)

Wednesday:   Ink Iyer (Crimson), Frost Falor (Black), Crystal Chimes (Silver), Sparrow Smith (Amber)

Thursday:   Sparrow Smith (Crimson), Ink Iyer (Black), Lyle Lewis (Silver), Crystal Chimes (Amber)

Friday:   Frost Falor & Crystal Chimes (Crimson), Ink Iyer (Black), Sparrow Smith and Lyle Lewis (Silver), Nix Night (Amber)

"You can't be serious," Ink looked up furiously. "There is no way Crystal is going into those dorms alone every night!"

"Calm down Mr. Iyer," the headmaster stood up. "This is the punishment for your actions."

"I won't accept this either," Sparrow crossed his arms.

Nix very calmly screwed the paper up into a little ball and threw it into the bin. "Not in this lifetime."

I wanted to tell them that it would be fine, to just man up and take the punishment, but I couldn't. I didn't want to be in those dorms alone any more than they wanted it for me. I was terrified of the black and crimson dorms and I doubted that Luna and Jenna could stay with me the entire time in the silver and amber dorms.

"What choice do you have?" the big man sat back down calmly. "If you do not do this, I can expel you."

"Fine," Frost surprised me with the anger in his voice. "Expel us, I for once have had enough of this place."

"I second that," Sparrow stood up with a grim smile. "We should just call our manager and be gone, this was a mistake."

Nix stood too, taking my hand and pulling me towards the door. I breathed a sigh of relief. We were leaving... finally leaving. The friends I've made here don't outweigh how much I hate this place.

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