Same Band...New School...New Species?! - 24

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Two days passed. I was going crazy... I nearly made it out twice, but someone always grabbed me before I got to the lift. Darren Cross has been over just about all day every day. He brings news to the guys and they have little meetings with me left out of the loop. It was just infuriating.

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV with Sparrow to my left and Lyle to my right, feeling very much like a sardine in a can. I just wanted to get up and scream. No, what I really wanted to do was get up and run for the door again; but there would be no real point in that.

"Guys?" Nix came out of the kitchen. "Do you want anything from Waitrose? We're going on a grocery run."

Normally, I'd be one to go on a grocery run. Frost and I tend to be the shoppers of the group, but under house-arrest there was no chance. I love how we're so down to earth. Despite having fans everywhere in the world and more than enough money to afford a loft in one of the most expensive area's in London, we still go out and do all our own grocery shopping. I just wish I could be the one to do it now.

"Cadbury," Lyle said. "And a few more notebooks."

"Caramel ice-cream," Sparrow added.

I said nothing.

"Crys?" Nix sighed. "You can't pout forever."

"Can and will," I responded calmly.

"Shall I just put mocha ice-cream on the list for you?" he asked.

I said nothing. Eventually he gave up and went back into the kitchen. I got up, not wanting to watch TV anymore. I actually just didn't want to be around them anymore. I could feel Lyle and Sparrow staring at me, waiting for what I was going to do, deciding if they had to jump up and stop me from running again. I turned and walked straight into my room, slamming the door shut behind me.

"Crys?" Nix called from the kitchen.

"I need to be alone."

"Fine," he sighed. "Just don't break anything."

I blew out a frustrated breath and stormed into my bathroom. I took a long, hot bath with a couple gallons of bubble bath to calm myself down, then put on a robe and went back into my room. I could probably make a run for it via the window... but that would not be a safe idea. The fire escape was a good jump and any miss would result in death by free-fall.

I sighed and flopped on my bed with my ipod in hand. I turned on Lily Allen and blocked the world out, drifting into a relaxed cat-nap.

"CRYSTAL CHIMES!" someone sounding very much like Lyle yelled.

I opened my eyes, frowning. Lily Allen was still blaring in my ears but there was also an irritating banging on the door.

"Sod off!" I yelled back, irritated. "I'm sleeping!"

"Not anymore, love," Nix called through the wood. "Come on, we're going out."

"What?!" I jumped out of bed like I'd been electrocuted. I ran to the door, re-tying my robe as I went. "Are you serious?!"

"Yes," Nix sighed as I yanked the door open. "Go get dressed."

"Where are we going?" I asked, a huge grin stuck on my face. Finally getting out!

"A movie premiere," he shook his head.

"Really?" I looked at him, confused. "Why didn't we know about this before?"

"It's a last minute thing from Renni," he ran a hand through his hair. "It's the movie that we made a music video for, remember the drama?"

"What's the name?" I asked, I remembered the video, it had been about a year ago.

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