YN entered the house they were occupying with a satisfied huff. Her eyes lifted to see Steve dozing off at the screens off to the side of the living room. Smiling to herself, she moved closer to the snoring super soldier, lowering her body to his level. YN brushed a hand down his cheek, her chest warming as Steve smiled, his eyes opening to find hers.
Steve lifted his body from the chair wrapping his arms around YN's midsection. As he grew in height, YN's feet left the ground. YN chuckled lightly, wrapping her own arms around Steve's neck.
They spent the next hour on the sofa, thoughts of their blossoming relationship plaguing YN's mind. Is this the right thing to do? Does this prove them right? Negative thoughts ran wild in her mind until she felt Steve move, slipping his hand into her free one, making her smile. If it feels like this, who cares what it makes me. "Stevie, we can't sleep out here." YN was laying underneath Steve's body, her fingers on her free hand moving through his blonde hair slowly.
Steve lifted his face from where it was rested on her chest. "I like it when you call me that." Steve whispered; face illuminated by the light of the warm fireplace. It was YN's turn to hum, resuming the slow movement of her fingers. "My Ma used to call me that, Bucky does a lot too."
"What was your mother like? Bet she was a force to be reckoned with." YN smiled, imagining a small Steve in his family home.
"She was amazing. Always put my health above everything. Always feel guilty I couldn't look after her in the days leading up to-" Steve took a deep breath in. "She had tuberculosis; my health was rotten so I wasn't able to care for her, nor really visit her much." Steve rested his chin on YN's chest, looking into her eyes. "She would have loved you." He whispered.
YN's chest tightened, her hand coming to rest on Steve's cheek. "Are you sure you want this?" She mentioned abruptly, changing the subject slightly.
Steve frowned, lifting himself and situating himself next to YN, giving her some space, which she was grateful for. "I'm not sure I follow."
"Steve, I want to be clear that I want this, I do. But I need to be sure you're in this. All the way. I've never felt this way before. And I know you have, I've read the history books, I just don't want you to figure out a few months or years down the line that you only like me because-" YN was cut off as Steve placed his mouth against hers softly.
"Please, don't say what I think you're about to say." YN opened her mouth to interrupt but quickly shut her mouth as Steve begged her with his eyes. "I don't want you comparing yourself to anyone, not Peggy, not Sharon, no one." Steve pressed his hand to the agents cheek, feeling the skin warm beneath his palm. "You are brave, and blunt, and powerful, and completely my type obviously, but I want you for you."
YN nodded, looking to her lap briefly, sorting through her emotion. "Okay, but we keep our work and play separate. In the field, I am just a S.H.I.E.L.D agent and your Captain America, okay?" YN gripped Steve's hand, pulling them down so they conjoined in her lap. "I struggle, a lot, with respect from other agents, specifically men, I don't want this to be another reason I am treated differently. If I am commanding a team, you won't be given special treatment, and I expect the same in return." YN finished, jabbing a finger lightly into the elders broad, tight chest.
What a chest...
Steve brought her hand up to his mouth, pressing kisses to her palm and up her wrist. "Okay, deal. Now less work talk, what about we sort out the rules for play?" Steve winked, making YN snort.
The next week or so was slow, YN observed several meetings taking place in the diner, Steve running facial on each person and jotting down whether they were a match with their data on HYDRA. After the fourth day, YN had noted five HYDRA agents, and they had approached seven of the small town's police officers.

Agent 007 (A Steve Rogers x Reader Fic)
ActionCurrently being edited/rewritten. (Chapters with written numbers {e.g. One} have been edited, actual numbers are TBC.) "I have this feeling in my heart-" Steve started. YN's chuckle interrupted him, as she nodded her head, "And you feel like it migh...