Chapter 29

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YN was in the gym the next day, running on the treadmill. Sweat was forming on her brow as she heaved in breath after breath, using her last bit of energy to push out her final sprint. YN stepped onto wobbly legs as she finished her workout, taking a large gulp from her bottle of water.

"Good run?" Steve asked, walking to YN's line of sight. Nodding in place of a reply, as she was still catching her breath, YN caught the sweat towel Steve threw to her. "You packed and ready for tomorrow?" YN nodded again, resting her body against the bricked wall behind her.

"Yep, have you been briefed yet?" YN asked, looking over to the blonde man.

"Yeah, you, Tony, Bruce, Thor, Nat and I are leaving at five am." YN's eye widened.

"What is Fury expecting? Why would we need Thor? Or better yet, Bruce, for that matter, as much as I love him." Steve laughed, shrugging his shoulders.

"This is Dreykov, so we have to expect the worst. Nat briefed Fury on his background and I think it got him nervous." Steve said, fiddling with YN's drink bottle.

"Fury? Nervous? Unheard of." Steve laughed again, coming to lean over YN's frame, pushing her against the wall. YN frowned after a moment. "Well, if five of the original six Avengers are working together on this, why have I been selected?"

Steve looked at her with a confused expression. "Are you kidding? This is basically your mission, you've been with us from the start, since you stopped Van Dyke in the cafeteria the day we got to the facility. It's because of you that we've got this far anyway." YN blushed, dropping her head.

"I'm glad I did, maybe I wouldn't have got my chance with you if I didn't," YN murmured, her blush still tinting her cheeks.

"YN, you impressed me the second you walked past those guys making derogatory comments in the elevator." YN chuckled, shaking her head in astonishment at the man in front of her. "Are you really glad though; are you glad you found out about your past?"

YN's mood sobered slightly, scrunching her nose in thought. "I- I'm glad I found out my parent's intention to try to give us a better life, but the... other stuff I could have lived without." YN sighed, fisting Steve's t-shirt. "I'm okay now, though."

"Are you sure? I hear your whimpers at night, and when you shock yourself awake. I don't say anything because I know it'll embarrass you, but I'm worried about you, YN." Steve said, placing his hand at the base of her neck.

YN shrugged, resting her forehead against Steve's chest. "I'll be okay, I promise." Nodding, Steve let the subject go, instead guiding YN out of the gym room and into their shared room, heading for the shower.


Steve walked toward the group of people waiting at the airport in front of a jet, five out of his original six team mates catching up with hugs and questions of "how have you been?" and "how's space?" YN was stood to the side, eyes trained on the substantially larger blonde man.

Sliding up behind her, Steve leant down to whisper in her ear. "Something caught your eye, YN?"

"A very large, very muscly, god, Steven. A god." Steve laughed softly, shaking his head. The laugh caught the attention of the others, their eyes turning to their captain.

"Ah! Captain. It has been a while since I have been to Midguard, how have the human's been behaving?" Steve furrowed his eyebrows, a smile stretching across his face.

"Well, most have been... uh, behaving." YN stifled a laugh behind his back, clearing her throat when Thor's eyes landed on her. "Thor, this is Agent 007, or YN. She is leading this mission."

Agent 007 (A Steve Rogers x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now