Chapter Eleven

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"Widow, you got eyes on target?" Steve's voice ran through YN's ear, as she perched in position.

"Entering through the back door now, Eagle." Came Natasha's response. Natasha had shown up yesterday morning when YN was at work. It was good timing as they needed to run through a plan of attack for the meeting that HYDRA were holding currently.

"Are you in position, Rover?" Steve addressed YN, but before YN could respond, four HYDRA men walked through the front entrance. Not willing to risk her exposure, YN chose not to respond. Instead, she held her ear piece down so Steve and Natasha could hear the conversation being held in the warehouse below YN's feet.

"Do we have intel on the infiltration, Nicholas?" One of the men spoke. His voice held a whisper of a Russian accent.

"Thirteen on the inside. We are hoping to add two more to the list by morning." The addressed man, Nicholas, responded.

"And the others?" Another spoke, walking over to a window to look outside. YN froze, knowing Natasha's position was stationed under that window.

"Taken care of, boss." YN retrieved her camera from her neck, snapping a silent photo of said boss.

Not long after their conversation ended, five police officers, including Jimmy, walked into to the dingy warehouse. The HYDRA men watched them carefully with weary eyes.

"Did you see the red car outside?" A tall man spoke, eyes on the newcomers.

"I'm sure it was green." Jimmy responded. Seemingly satisfied, they met together off to the side of the room, fortunately, right under YN's hiding spot.

The men had a long conversation about the infiltration at the local police station, deeming it a success. YN had to stamp down her disappointment in Jimmy as he seemed to be heavily involved in the officers that were taken care of. Soon their conversation shifted, and YN subsequently froze in her boots when they mentioned their endgame.

"Pierce failed to successfully overthrow S.H.I.E.L.D but we won't be so naïve. Fury needs to go, but we need to weaken his defenses. Pick at the seams and the construction will fall apart." The original man said.

"Van Dyke has gone off grid so assume his position has been compromised. We have three members in the white house as we speak, infiltrating data on S.H.I.E.L.D's best agents, the closest to Fury. It seems we have one born of HYDRA blood in Fury's direct line of supervision." YN's blood ran cold at the mention of her past. The boss signaled another agent to open a file that had been discarded onto the bench in front of them.

"The girl was born from our best, Dimitri and April Alexeyev. HYDRA blood runs through her veins, it's implanted deep into her being. She may fight for those do-good bastards now, but it won't be long before she takes her rightful place again. I think it's time we begin Project Rampage. If we can sway the girl, she can get close enough to Fury to cut that one eyed piece of shit's head off of his shoulders." Taking her camera, YN zoomed up close to the file spread on the table, getting a few shots of it before the HYDRA men departed, leaving the room with a short "Hail HYDRA."

When Natasha signaled that the coast was clear for the two agents and their captain to retreat to the rendezvous, YN allowed a small, anxious sigh to escape her, her heart battering against her ribcage roughly. She took a few seconds, making sure her breathing was even and her smile looked convincing before she moved from her position.

"Are you-" Steve started.

"So we know their next move," YN interrupted, giving Steve a look before continuing. "I'll alert Coulson that three HYDRA agents are within sniffing distance of the president. However, what we just heard was their plot to retry infiltrating our facility. Using Bucky wasn't going to work so they will be sending agents in slowly but surely, trying to sway people. I have the names and photos of each compromised officer, so we can rule them out as a risk to S.H.I.E.L.D." YN took a breath as they made their way to their vehicle, YN sliding into the driver's seat.

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