Chapter Five

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A week later and YN and her team were back in the conference room, awaiting the arrival of the three avengers and Director Fury. YN sat alone on the right side of the table, near the head, facing five male agents, who stared at her with raised eyebrows.

Not paying the agents any mind, YN picked at her nails that she had painted during her time off to heal. The black paint was already chipping, which was just her luck. Her wounds were no longer prominent, just remnants of a stitched up gash on her hair line and a yellow bruise on her ribs that covered half her torso. The pain was basically nonexistent now, and she had deemed herself fit to return to the field.

YN's head turned to the door as Director Fury waltzed in, Agent Coulson following quickly behind, which made YN frown slightly, not expecting the other man. Before she could raise her question, non-other than Tony Stark made his entrance, iconic sunglasses hung lowly on his nose, exposing his twinkling brown eyes.

"Agents, you have now had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Stark, thrilling I know." Fury rolled his eyes, sending a wink in YN's direction, which she returned with a narrow-eyed smile. Tony made his way toward YN's side of the table and fell into a chair right next to her, a gigantic grin spread smugly across his aging features.

"Hello beautiful. Please, call me Tony." He held his hand out for the female agent. YN was too focused on the billionaire in front of her, she hadn't seen Steve, Bucky and Sam walk in and spot them.

YN took Tony's hand in hers with a forced polite smile. "Pleasure." She said, shaking his hand curtly. Before she could pull her hand from his he lifted it to place the back of her hand against his lips, leaving a kiss there. YN's eyebrows rose nearly all the way to her hairline as she stood from her chair, reefing her hand from his with an indignant huff.

Still not having noticed the three men in the far corner, Steve hid a small smile at her obvious shutdown. Sam cleared his throat as the made their presence known before heading towards the empty seats by an amused Tony.

YN smiled at the boys and made her way to the screen in front of them, on it was a map of the states. Four red flags were stuck out of it; Nebraska, Oregon, Minnesota and Arizona. YN pointed at the four flags with her finger, bringing the rooms attention to the map.

"Thanks for joining me today, gentleman-" YN's speech was interrupted as another agent walked into the room, much to YN's dismay and unawareness.

"Sorry I'm late, Director. Traffic was hell in Brooklyn today." Sharon made her way to YN's side of the table, placing herself right next to Steve with a flirty smile. "Sorry for the interruption, YN, continue." YN watched as Sharon's eyes narrowed, daring her to put the newcomer in her place. Turning her back to the agent, albeit reluctantly, YN continued.

"As I was saying, thank you for joining me agents," she amended, "I have brought you here today to ask for your participation in scouting these four suspected HYDRA bases in the states." Her finger moved to each state that was flagged, listing them as she went. "This will be a long winded, undercover mission. We will split into four teams of three and scout one state each. We will be leaving in three days to our respectful locations." YN moved towards her file to rejig her teams to suit the extra people that had joined the conference.

"Sorry to butt in, Agent 007. I have had Agent Coulson re-organize the teams on your behalf to include some extras. I have also asked Agent Barton to lead one of the teams as well." Fury slid the file towards YN, it stopping inches from her fingertips. She gave Fury a suspicious look before opening the file.

"In Oregon; Agent Barton, who will join us shortly, Agents 011 and 522. In Arizona; Mr. Stark, Agents 13 and 415." YN turned her back to the table to walk to the map once again, trying hard to hide her small smile at Sharon's deep frown. "In Nebraska; Sam, Buc-sorry Sargent Barnes, Mr. Wilson and Agent 522." YN turned in time to see Sam and Bucky share a secret smile before continuing. "Captain Rogers, Agent 066 and I will be covering Minnesota. Any questions?"

Agent 007 (A Steve Rogers x Reader Fic)Where stories live. Discover now