**Hello, I loved writing this chapter. That is all.
A couple weeks later, YN was sitting in the conference room, casted leg up on a chair, her crutches leaning against the wall opposite. Bucky sat in front of her, head cocked and eyes narrowed.
"You are not taking that cast off by yourself." He said, rolling his eyes.
"I won't be doing it by myself, I'm asking you to just, ya know, rip it off." Bucky grimaced and shook his head.
"Ain't no way, princess. Sorry." He scoffed, leaning back in his chair. "I know you're only asking me because the only other person strong enough will give you the disappointed eyebrows." YN widened her eyes dramatically.
"So, you've seen them too!" She said, pointing a finger at her friend. "I thought they were reserved for me." YN rolled her eyes as Bucky chuckled.
"Considering I'm the one who taught him the expression, I'd say it's reserved for anyone who acts before they think." Bucky shook his head again. "You know you remind me a lot of Steve back in the thirties. He was so reckless, getting into fights with men twice his size." Bucky grimaced. "His Ma and I would spend most of our evenings using gauze she had swiped from the hospital to clean his wounds." He said, looking up into YN's eyes. "Don't get me wrong, he still is a reckless idiot. But at least now he has a minimal risk of breaking a bone by falling on his ass." YN laughed at that, throwing her head back.
Calming down, YN placed a hand on Bucky's knee. "He was, and still is, lucky to have you, Buck. You're a great friend." Bucky's cheeks reddened slightly at the attention before he cleared his throat and stood from the chair.
"I know what you're doing." He commented. YN feigned innocence with a confused look. "Trying to butter me up so I can help you with that cast. It's a no, YN. You're only in it for three more weeks, you'll be fine."
YN grumbled as Bucky helped her stand, sliding her crutches under her arms. "Fine, maybe Tony will design something to take it off." Bucky sighed, watching her hobble out of the room. YN limped into the kitchen eyes scanning the room to see if she had any company. Deeming it clear, YN moved toward the cupboard to sneak one of Sam's hidden cookies.
Hand halfway in to grab her second cookie, one already hanging from her mouth, YN was startled by a voice. "Well, look has been caught with her hand in the cookie jar. Literally."
"Stark, no one will hear from you ever again if you tell Wilson." YN snarled, shoving the remainder of her cookie in her mouth.
"Woah, no need for violence, Agent." Tony muttered; hands lifted into the air. "What's with the attitude anyway?"
YN turned her glare on Tony quickly. "This fucking cast has to be on for three fucking weeks. And I am fucking over it."
"Noted." He said, pouring himself a glass of whiskey and lifting the glass in YN's direction. "Drink?"
"I'm not supposed to, I'm on pain killers." YN murmured, lips pursed.
"One drink isn't going to kill you, YN." YN agreed, accepting the drink that Tony handed her. "So, where's lover boy?"
"Out, I guess." YN muttered, shrinking down in her chair and taking a large gulp from her drink. "Did F.R.I.D.A.Y get anything else from the data we got from Grayson's?" Tony shook his head, making YN huff and take another big sip.
"Don't drink that too fast, if you're on pain killers. You'll be drunk on one drink." Tony chastised.
"Perfect." YN grumbled, downing the drink in seconds.

Agent 007 (A Steve Rogers x Reader Fic)
ActionCurrently being edited/rewritten. (Chapters with written numbers {e.g. One} have been edited, actual numbers are TBC.) "I have this feeling in my heart-" Steve started. YN's chuckle interrupted him, as she nodded her head, "And you feel like it migh...