Chapter Twelve

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YN was wiping down the counter of the diner when Jimmy walked in the door. His eyes were bright and happy when they landed on the young waitress. YN smiled widely at him, her heart beating radically with nerves.

"He seems normal. I'm taking it as a good sign." Nat spoke into YN's ear. Jimmy slid onto a stool in front of YN's cleaning station, reaching out to stop her hands moving.

"Hey, beautiful." He whispered, making YN's cheeks tint.

"Evenin', officer." YN replied with a flirtatious wink. "Can I get you anything before I lock up for the night?"

"I'm saving myself for that pot roast you promised me tonight." Jimmy responded. YN smiled and nodded, moving to close the till.

As she was changing in the locker room, her eyes ghosted over her switchblade that she had stashed in her bag. "Take it, YN." Steve said into her ear. "Even just for my piece of mind."

Sighing, she slipped the blade into her socked boot, lowering her jeans to ensure it was covered. Making her way back out to Jimmy, she took his arm as they walked to his vehicle. The ride was quiet, save for the radio playing quietly in the background. YN didn't want to admit that she was on edge but the hairs on the back of her neck were raised as she thought about how wrong this could go.

When they arrived at Jimmy's apartment complex, they climbed the stairs silently, Jimmy opening the door and letting YN pass through.

"So," Jimmy started, making YN's heart speed up, "What do we need for this roast? I went shopping this morning and I bought more than enough." YN smiled, relaxing slightly as they both made their way to the kitchen.

Steve and Natasha observed as YN and the compromised officer laughed and chatted. Every time Jimmy would lean in to peck YN, Steve would silently look away, a scowl ever-present on his boyish features. As they put the roast into the oven, YN excused herself to the bathroom.

The two Avengers watched as she took out her phone, holding in view of her fancy glasses, she was typing out the words go time. Natasha used another screen to bring up her work. Lifting up a burner phone she connected S.H.I.E.L.D's tech to it and brought the phone to her mouth.

"All available officers, there has been an armed robbery at Restaurant 47, noting there are three hostages still on the inside with the perp. I am requesting all responding officers to attend the sight. Over." YN watched as Jimmy jumped up to his responder, rattling off his police code and agreeing to attend. He looked at YN sadly. She made a show of disappointment, twisting her fingers together awkwardly.

"I guess you can enjoy that roast by yourself when you get back then, huh?" YN whispered, averting her eyes purposefully.

"I'm so sorry, Camilla." Jimmy sighed, cursing lowly to himself. "Look, why don't you stay. Pop on a movie, keep watch over dinner. I'll be back before you know it." Hook, line and sinker.

"Only if you're sure, Jimmy. I don't want to intrude." YN said softly, hoping to appear shy.

"Are you kidding? Coming home to you on my couch is a dream come true." 

"Okay then. Be safe." YN said, leaning in to plant a long kiss on his mouth. Jimmy groaned, squeezing her tightly, before grabbing his things and leaving with a wink. 

"Okay, lets get this show on the road." Walking over to the laptop, she opened it and typed in the password she had memorized. Clicking through Jimmy's emails, YN found another clear alias. Benny Benson. "Are HYDRA trying to get caught, my God." She whispered to herself, making Nat and Steve laugh.

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