"You think she'll get angry with us?" Peter asked nervously, a pit of anxiety forming in his stomach.
"No... Maybe... Oh well, what's done is done." Tony responded, hands busy placing a bowl on the table.
"When will she be here?" Natasha asked, walking into the room with another bowl, setting it by Tony's.
"Her and Cap are headed here now. Maybe three minutes out." Natasha nodded, fixing the dressing on the table. "Steve said that she hasn't got a clue what we are planning. Sam and Bucky are tailing them too."
Everyone soon gathered into the room, including Coulson and Fury, and awaited the four Avengers arrival. Getting antsy, Peter kept his senses on high alert for when they entered the building. "They're coming!" He eventually whispered, making everyone hide whilst Tony ordered F.R.I.D.A.Y to switch off the lights.
The door opened and the light from the hall trickled in, the silhouette of a certain woman in the door frame. "Hello?" She whispered, eyebrows furrowed.
"Surprise!" Everyone shouted, causing the woman to jump in fright, the three men behind her laughed as they passed her.
"What's all this?" YN asked, hand still resting on her chest. Looking around the room, there were banners saying congratulations everywhere, streamers and balloons hung from the roof.
"We wanted to throw you a little something for joining the team officially!" Peter said, excitement bursting from his teenage body.
YN smiled, big and bright at Peter's words, gaze turning to the blonde man on her left. "You knew about this? That's why we had to stop to fill up the almost full bike?" Steve chuckled, nodding his head. "And I'm guessing that's why tweedle dee and tweedle dumb were following us all night?"
Bucky's eyebrows furrowed. "How did you even-" YN laughed, waving off Bucky's question. Fury walked over to the woman of the hour, patting her on her back. YN smiled, wrapping her arms around the larger man. Fury rolled his eyes, returning the embrace.
"If any of you tell anyone about this, I'll kill you." He whispered to the others, making them nod rapidly. "Congratulations on joining the Avengers, YN. I'm going to miss bossing you around though." YN laughed.
"Please, it was me bossing you around more times than not." Fury agreed, smiling at the small woman fondly.
Everyone came up to YN, wishing her congratulations and good luck. She met a few people she hadn't yet, Scott Lang, who introduced himself as Ant Man; Vision, who wished her all the best with her upcoming journey; and James Rhodes, who warned her to get out while she still can, a laugh followed but she wasn't sure how much of what he was saying was really a joke.
After mingling for a while, YN flopped down on the sofa next to Steve, leaning her body weight into his side as he curled an arm around her. "Big day?" He questioned, finishing off his beer.
"You can say that." She responded, looking up into Steve's big, blue eyes. "I'm glad I'm here though." She whispered.
"Me too, YN." The blonde man replied.
"Thank you for getting me this gig." YN said, smiling. "I wouldn't be here if it weren't for you."
"That's not true, and that's not exactly what happened. Fury put the idea in Stark's mind, he offered it to the team, and everyone agreed. I didn't even lift a finger." YN's eyes widened, a large grin on her lips.
"Be careful, you're already making my head too big for my hats." Steve laughed, rubbing her arm with the one that was wrapped around her shoulders.
"YN, you have done so much for me and this team already. It's only right you get a place on it. We wouldn't have been able to take down Julian, Grayson, Ward, Dreykov. Any of them without you." YN blushed, shaking her head. "Today is not the day to be modest, baby. You deserve all of it."
"How did I get so lucky?" YN asked, reminiscing on the first time she'd said those words.
"Not luck, I'd say it was fate, Agent 007."
the end

Agent 007 (A Steve Rogers x Reader Fic)
ActionCurrently being edited/rewritten. (Chapters with written numbers {e.g. One} have been edited, actual numbers are TBC.) "I have this feeling in my heart-" Steve started. YN's chuckle interrupted him, as she nodded her head, "And you feel like it migh...