Chapter 20

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Peter collected all four men's weapons, using his web shooters. The confusion on their faces not lasting as the team in front of them rushed forward, Steve taking on the biggest man and YN and Natasha both heading for Grayson.

Lifting his fists, "Now, this is a party." He chucked, swinging a fist toward YN's face, which she dodged with ease, deflecting it and landing her own punch on the man's face.

"Why do men always call this shit a party?" Nat questioned, lifting her leg and landing a solid kick to Grayson's chest. In amidst of their grapple, another agent crept up behind YN, wrapping an arm around her front and hurtling her backwards.

It seems that Grayson had more agents stationed outside as the area was swarmed with men, each member of Steve's team was taking on at least one agent each. YN had hands around her throat and a heavy body on top of her. She was struggling to escape the tight hold, squirming beneath the solid figure. In a flash of color, her attacker was lying next to her unconscious.

Nodding to Steve as the shield returned to his raised arm, YN jumped to her feet moving to help Sam fight off two burley men. Grunting as the agent's fist connected with YN's cheek, another landing on her chest, YN's leg flew out and kicked into his knee effectively snapping it on the spot. A shriek was heard as he fell to the ground, but YN was too busy moving onto the next offender.

Taking down three more agents, YN was growing tired, her body taking more hits than she could count. Spotting the discarded HYDRA weapons on the ground, she made eye contact with Bucky, nodding in his direction as they both scrambled toward them.

"What the fuck? How do these even work?" Bucky said, lifting it to his eye line to inspect. A HYDRA agent crept behind him and YN held the weapon to point at him, pulling the trigger. A bolt of electricity shot out of the weapon, sending the agent flying backward into the brick wall behind them.

"Guess there's a new Thor in town." YN chuckled, shrugging. She picked up another, holding one in each hand. "Let's see how fast these babies can go." Bucky and YN started shooting at the HYDRA agents attacking their friends, bolts of electricity hitting each man and knocking them off of their feet.

Now that all of his men were down, YN took pleasure in seeing the color drain from Grayson's face from his position on top of Natasha. Stumbling to his feet, he backed away from YN and her team. YN narrowed her eyes, waiting for the inevitable.

Grayson bolted, racing through the back door in seconds. YN grinned sadistically as she took off, Steve and Sam hot on her tail. She took the stairs two at a time, racing down the driveway as Grayson approached his vehicle. Zoning in on him, YN picked up her pace, however Steve was faster.

He wasn't fast enough though, as Grayson jumped into the car and took off just as Steve reached the rear of the vehicle. Steve made chase on the car, his body only inches from the back end.

"Sam!" YN yelled spreading her arms so that Sam could hook his own arms underneath. Lifting her into the air, Sam and YN came close to the vehicle as it picked up speed, making the distance between Steve and the car wider. "Drop me!" YN signaled, letting Sam drop her onto the roof of the vehicle. Steve's eyes widened, his heart in his throat, making him pick up speed.

As Bucky caught up to Steve, he let out a gasp of shock at seeing where YN was. As Tony flew up to Sam, he too became concerned about YN's plan. She swung her body to the passenger side, entering the vehicle through a, luckily opened, window. Gripping a knife, that she had scavenged halfway through a previous scrap, YN tried to force Grayson to stop the car.

"Pull over, you're done." She said, gripping the steering wheel. Grayson planted his foot on the accelerator, the car nearing max speed.

Steve and Bucky watched as the car got faster, Sam and Tony hovering over the top of it, panic set on all their faces. Suddenly, the brakes were hit, the car screeching as it tried to stop. The suddenness of the halt at such a high speed, caused the vehicle to swerve and tip sideways. The following men watched in horror as the car reached a stop on its lid.

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